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Two months with Techno and Phil had gotten Arrow to open up more. Now, Arrow openly calls Techno Dad. And Techno won't admit how much that warms his heart.

Techno has started a bee and turtle farm, showing Arrow how to hunt and take care of animals as well as farm.

And ironically enough, Arrow was exceedingly good with a bow and arrow.

The younger piglin hybrid was also quite good with a sword, but they couldn't seem to get a good grasp on how to properly wield an axe.

It was a quiet day, Phil was supposed to come over and help tweak the bee farm and look over the turtle farm to find out how to make it more efficient.

Instead, a message greeted Techno on his communicator.

'get ready old friend, they know where you are'

Techno pales at the thought. Someone other than the admin, the mortal mirror of the admin, and Phil knew where he was? That could only lead to horrible things.

Techno rushes around the base as he continues to message Phil all while getting potions ready.


'They found the compass.'


'Quakity and a gang.
Quackity, Tubbo, Fundy and Ranboo.
They're in full netherite.'

Techno rushes to make potions when the door opens. Techno whips around, only to find Arrow.

"Dad, there's a weird ghost outside and he's melting, what do I do?"

Techno pauses in his work, just briefly. Wilbur was Phil's son. And he was a good ally, when he was alive.

"Let him in. And, help me brew some potions. I need strength, speed, regen, turtle, and fire res."

Arrow glances at their father figure in confusion, but sets to work diligently. Potion after potion they brew.

Fill up bottles, put in blaze powder, nether wart for most, ghast tears, fermented spider eye, gunpowder, and glowstone all get thrown into different brewing stands.

"... Dad? What's going on?"

Techno sighs and runs a hand through his pink hair. "Remember when I told you I used to be a mercenary of sorts?"

Arrow pales as they figure out why their retired father suddenly needed potions ment for battle so quickly.

"Well, some guys who wanted to overthrow a government got a bit upset that I destroyed the government, instead of just letting them establish a new one. And now they're hunting me down." Techno explains as he rummages through his chests to find his axe and crossbow.

"God, I don't have the time or resources to make fireworks, damn." Techno mutters to himself, instead reaching for his weakness arrows. "Anyway," he begins again, speaking to his child, "I'mma need you to hide while I take care of this. I don't need you accidentally becoming a hostage, or anything."

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