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Arrow growls as Fundy attempts to guide them to a separate boat.

Arrow will not be separated from Techno. Especially if Quackity's talk of a "trial" that seems rigged are anything to be considered with.

Arrow hops into Techno's lap in the back of Tubbo's boat cuddling up to their father figure.

"When did you become a dad?" Tubbo asks curiously.

"'Bout two and a half months ago." Techno shrugs, lifting up his arms, so Arrow could snuggle their way into a hug.

"This is a horrible kidnapping, by the way. 2/5 stars." Techno says, smirking slightly as Tubbo whines.

"Oh come on! Surely not! My five star record is ruined now!"

"Quite frankly you should feel lucky I'm not giving you one star. Threatening a child? That was just low. Also the robbery." Techno continues, drawing a giggle from Arrow.

Techno made sure to keep the rest of the trip light with banter. Mostly so Arrow doesn't realize that Techno is being led to his death.

Soon enough they arrive at the ports of L'manburg and the balcony door of the furthest house opens, and out steps Phil.

Phil's leg was chained to the ground, his windows broken and boarded up and his door blocked.

"You actually got him..." Phil mutters in disbelief.

Arrow shoots out from Techno's hold and up to where the door was blocked. They quickly scale the blockade and make it to Phil's open balcony.

"Phil! Phil, they were being super mean! Fundy threatened me when dad was beating the crap outta them in self defense and Quackity was being super mean and racist!" Arrow quickly informs.

Phil hurriedly gathers up Arrow in the remains of his torn wings and holds them close, as if to protect them from the other's cruelty.

"Shh, shh. It's okay mate. Technoblade never dies, remember? Let's just watch. We don't want to accidentally get in his way, right?" Phil whispers to Arrow, consoling the distressed child.

Arrow lets out a high pitched, distressed whine as their ears pin back against their head. Something was wrong. Their pack was in danger.  Danger, danger, danger, run, run, run, run, hide, safe, get to safety.

Arrow clings to Phil as they watch Technoblade get thrown into a cage, an anvil hanging precariously over the area that Techno was being held in.

Danger, danger, danger, danger, pack in danger, help, run, hide, help him, help pack, no hide, run.

"Technoblade has robbed our country. Robbed! Robbed it of everything that made it special. Of everything that defined it of what it was." Tubbo starts. And, no. That was wrong. The country was still here. It was fine. Rebuilt and more beautiful than ever.

"He stepped in when he shouldn't have." No, they should have listened when he told them no government.

"He creates chaos. He ruined the government-" Tubbo was cut off by Punz pearling into the middle of the audience, quickly placing down TnT.

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