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((A/N: I'M NOT DEAD YET!! Also, because it's my birthday Monday, y'all get an update.))

Arrow's head snaps over to the singular figure walking up to them in the distance. Where was the other figure that was supposed to be with him? Where was Tommy?

The piglin child's ears pin back as a distressed whine escapes their throat.

The figure, now closer, echoes back the whine in a deeper, more gravely tone. Arrow's eyes widen with slight fear. What happens that made their father so distressed? Did something happen to Tommy?

Arrow bolts forward, and clings to Technoblade's form, whining and burrowing themself in the warm embrace of their father figure. Shaking hands slowly return the embrace, gently as if afraid that if he is too rough the child will disappear.

"Mate..." Phil begins slowly, nervously, peeking out from behind the netherwart farm he was working on. "What happened? Where's Tommy?" As soon as the older immortal said the boy's name, something between a whine and a growl escapes the warrior's mouth.

Phil's expression drops to something even more worried than before. Carefully the winged immortal guides the two piglin hybrids inside and sets a kettle to boil. He has a feeling they'll need some sort of comfort item after Techno explains what is going on.

"Mate, look at me." Phil says, gently bringing the large warrior's face to meet his own. "What happened."

Techno huffs and bundles up Arrow in his arms, almost like he's afraid that they'll disappear if he lets them go. "Tommy left."

Phil furrows his brows in confusion. "Left? What do you mean, left? Is he okay?"

Techno growls, before breaking off into a whine. "He was bein' accused of blowin' up the community house, an' he ran in ta defend himself. We were surrounded by so many enemies and I was afraid the kid was gonna get himself killed! So, I ran in after him."

Phil's face contorts into a deeper worry. Usually Techno would call someone as young and as close as Tommy pup, not kid.

"Tommy and Tubbo were fighting' an' suddenly they were apologizin' an' suddenly Tommy was talkin' about how he didn't want to be part of the pack anymore and how he was with Tubbo an' there was so much goin' on!" Techno continues to ramble, Arrow letting out a soft whine while trying to pet Techno's cheek in an attempted form of comfort.

"Suddenly Dream was askin' about withers an' sayin' how we're gonna destroy L'manburg tommorow at three and I was agreein' an' yellin' at him an', God, Phil! He's just a kid! But, I can't- they're just so loud! And he keeps betrayin' me an' usin' me an' I just wanna be left alone with my family to heal an' I- I-"

Phil lets out a comforting trill in an attempt to calm his long time friend. Techno just whines back and burrows his face in Arrow's head, holding them close, like they'll disappear at any second.

Arrow meanwhile, was still trying to process the information they were just given. Tommy... Left? Did he not want them anymore? Why?

A whimper falls out of Arrows mouth as tears begin to prick at the corner of their eyes. Why did Tommy leave them? Did they do something wrong? We're they lacking in some way?

Phil and Techno quickly look to their youngest and felt their hearts shatter. There Arrow was, curled up into a little ball, tugging at long piglin ears, tears falling from wide, panicked, and confused eyes.

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