Chapter 4

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It is later that after noon, Tommy has already left. I am just sitting on the couch reading and listen to fall out boy. Which is my favorite band this week. All of as sudden Mike come busting trough the door. "Mike what the hell is wrong with you?" I yell at my brother as he takes a seat next to me on the coach. "What ever do you mean Lizzy, I live here too." he tells me with a confused face. Even though he isn't confused at all he knows what I am talking about. He slammed the door open and closed. Then practically dived onto the coach. "Well you could have fooled me. I mean you are never home." I tell him very convincing. "Oh baby sister what has got you so worry nothing is wrong I just wanted to surprise you that is all." I look at my "older" brother like that is one of the stupidest thing I have ever heard. And because I don't do well with stupid I being the person I am I punched him in the arm "OUCH! What was that for." I roll my eyes at him. Putting my book down. I had already paused the music when Mike so rudely interrupted. I just hate when that happen. I get up to walk out of the room when my phone starts vibrating. I quickly grab my phone before Mike could. Looking down at my phone I see that it is message from Zane. I open up the phone, reading the message "Hi. you busy." I can't help it a smile fines it's way to my face. "what are you you smiling about?" I turn around shocked. I forgot that Mike was still in the room. "Nothing don't worry about it." I say very quickly as to not arise suspicion. "Well if it is nothing just tell me what it is." Mike thinks he is bring so smart. I roll my eyes at him and go back to my phone. I reply to Zane text "No not busy. why what's up??" I send the message just in time before my annoying brother took my phone. "Since when do you keep a passcode on your phone." that is a stupid question on his part. "Since I have a nosy brother." I reach for the phone but, before I could get the phone out of his hands I get a text message. Most likely from Zane. Which is not good. For him. "What the hell, why would the new guy be texting your phone." Just like I expected. "Mike it is no big deal. We have just hung out a few times." That was most likely not the right thing to say or at least that is what I am getting from the look on Mikes face. I just push past that fact. "Now give me my phone you over size ass." I keep a straight face so that he knows that I am not kidding around. Sure enough he gets the picture and gives me the phone back. Walking out of the room. Then, opening the message to read "Well I was just wondering if you might want to go for a walk??" Wow umm I thought I had scared him off but I guess not. Is it bad that I am a little exited. Oh hell I don't care I haven't had a nice guy in my life in Around 2 years. True I had Tony but he doesn't count as a "nice" guys. So I text him back that I would like to go for a walk.

Author's Note:
Hey guys I am so so so sorry that it took me so long to write this chapter. We had a death in my family. a close family member. I know this is not a long chapter but, hey better than nothing. Oh and I have a kind of writer's block so if y'all have any comments on how to make my story better please let me know. I will try and up date more. But I can't promise anything.

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