Chapter 6

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A/N I want to say thank you to deadandsoami for helping me type this chapter up. I already had it wrote so the story is all mine but she did help type it up and edited so she is awesome for that.

I woke up in such a good mood. All I wanted to do is call the one person in which I tell everything to. My best friend Trina. Me and Trina have been best friends for as long as I can remember. **Call tone** "Hello" Trina answers on like the 2nd ring. "Hey my crazy bitch. What's up?" It might seems like I am being rude by really I'm not. "Oh, hey and nothing much. You know just reading like always." Me and Trina might be bestie but we are total opposites. "Girl you would never guess what happened last night." Yes she knows about Zane. But,knowing her she will try to guess. "Oh, ummm. Ok I can get this. You did something you weren't supposed to." Trina loves puzzles or anything where she has to use her brain. She is kind of a nerd. I guess that is why we are such good friends. I can go to her when ever. That is what best friends are for I guess. "No silly I went on a date with Zane last night A picnic under the stars and then, he kissed me and man he is such a good kisser."I said all this in one big run on sentence. She understood me though. "OH MY GOD. Ok I can handle this ok you need a ship name." This is also why I love her. "No T we don't. Anyway we are not even official yet. You weirdo." I can heard her pretending to be offended over the phone but she just moves on. It takes longer for her to move on things like this."What ever. Y'all will be and when you are you will need a ship name." I give up there is no use fighting her on this. I know it. She knows it. So, why fight. "What ever if you say so." I don't have to see her to know she is smiling and doing her little victory dance. "Good now that we have that is settled." Right to the point I guess. "What did you have in mind." It got quite for a while. Which means she is thinking. Oh lord there is no telling what is going to come out of this girl's mouth.
"Okay, so let's see. Zarabeth, Elane, Zazzy, or maybe Elizane. OH MY GOD YES! Elizane, that's it. It's PERFECT!" Oh Lord, please help me. She has gone crazy.
"T, shut the hell up for a sec. Anyway, I'm pretty sure that is a drug."
"Oh what? He can be your drug? Damn Lizzy, you go girl." Sometimes I wish I could hit her.
"That is not what I said and you know it."
"Whatevs. That's what I heard." I can't help but roll my eyes. There's a knock at the door.
"Hey T hold on a minute, k?" I heard her sigh from the other side of the phone. I set down the phone and answered the door. Who would be at he door other than the one person we were talking about."
"Zane?! What are you doing here?" OKay Elizabeth make it seem like you don't want him to be here some more.
"I didn't mean it like that. Would you like to come in?" Now he thinks you're crazy. Jeez Elizabeth stop talking to yourself.
"Okay. I just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out but if you are busy then I can come back." Okay now I went and messed everything up. Say something not crazy. Don't say anything crazy. "No it's not a bad time. Come in." I say in a calm, laid back manner so that I don't sound crazy. This boy makes me crazy. So then we walk back into the living room. "Okay so you can have a seat anywhere. I don't really care where and I will be back in a second." Trina is going to be so pissed that I put her on hold for that long. So I grab my phone and walk into one of the back rooms. "Sorry I-"
"Sorry sorry. You know how much I hate being put on hold. You better have a damn good reason. Alright come on. What's your reason, I'm all ears." Yep she is pissed. "Okay so you really need to shut up because he is over here and I don't want him to hear how crazy my bestie is." This is going to end in one of two ways. 1 she is going to be all 'aww' or 2 be all rude like 'why you being so rude, bitch?'. "Oh, okay is that's how you want to be." Okay number 2 you are our winner. "Okay whatever Crazy. So when you going to bring your crazy ass down here to see me and, I don't know, meet Zane?" I ask her because I have been down here for about 2 weeks and she has not been down to see me. I know we are like an hour away but seriously. "How about later today. I mean if you are willing to pick my crazy ass up." I can't help but laugh at her quotation of my words."I will be right over. Well not really but I should be over there before 3." I will have to leave because it is almost 1 now. Plus, I can't wait to see my bestie.
After I ended my phone call I walked back into the living room. Where Zane is waiting I hope I didn't make him wait to long. Zane is sitting on the couch watching TV. I am kind of happy that he can be so comfortable around me and my house. "Hey sorry that took so long. She is such a talker."Ok so now he has a little smirk. Oh lord what is it with boys around here and there ability to make smirks drive me nuts. "It's no problem.I was just sitting here relaxing watching some TV....So where you telling your friends about me." Ohh he think he is so smug. "What would make you think that?" I give a questioning look as I take a seat next to him. "Oh I don't know, maybe that you had to call her just as I show up." he tells me matter of factory way. "Well I will have you know I was on the phone with her when you came over. I put her on hold to answer the door. So I only had to finish my conversation." I tell him so that he doesn't get to cocky. I hate it when guys get all cocky and stuck up. "Oh. Ok" He seem to be kind of upset by my response. "Ok well she is coming over later today and she wants to meet you." Once again that that cute little smirk came upon that his face. "Ok so,you where talk about me." I rolled my eyes and I know he saw me. "I may have mentioned you. But, we weren't talking about you." Ok so now he is totally smug. "You so where talking about me." he inched closer but, not to kiss me. All of a sudden he starts tickling me. Of course I am going to laugh. I mean who wouldn't. "Ok stop,stop,stop I give. We talked about we did." I hate being tickled. "Whatever I have to go pick up Trina. So can I will see you later. K" I tell him FINIALLY able to to breath properly. He looks like he thinking about it. What is there to think about. I find that out when he opened his mouth and answered my inner thoughts. "How about instead I just go with you?" I must have looked confused because he tried to convey what he meant. "I mean I can go with you to pick up your friend, Trina, I would as be able to see where you grew up most of your life." This boy is to nice and sweet. Why in the hell would he want to be with me. Stop it Elizabeth don't question it. "Sure, I guess you can come with." I seem cool and collected on the outside but on the inside I am jumping up and down as if I just downed a whole bottle of Vodka. "Ok then let's go." He grabs my hand and pulls me toward the door. "Ok...Ok slow down. Hold your horse. I have to grab my things turn things off and lock up." He looks silly. He also laughs at himself. He has such a nice laugh."Oh right.Sorry. I have a habit of getting over exited about silly things. Like getting to spend the day with a really pretty girl. Who FYI is am awesome kisser." awwwwe he is so cute. God I really need to get a grip by this boy. "Ok, so give me 5 minutes and we will go. Ok?" Zane nods his head letting me know he understands. "Oh and Zane." Zane look up at me dead in the eyes. His are the prettiest shade of blue I have ever seen. I could get lost in them if it wasn't to awkward to just to stare into each other's eyes. "Yea?" Him talking knocked me out of my own thoughts. What was I going to say? Oh right! "Your a nice kisser yourself." And with that we leave to pick up Trina.

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