Chapter 14 Trina's POV

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After seeing Zander come to my defense like that was sexy. I didn't know he was so strong. After he punches Noah. I quickly moved next to knight in nerdy armor. I grab Zander's hand and pull him down the hallway and into the nearest empty room I found. Now don't get me wrong I may not be a virgin but I am no whore. But, I do believe that I could thank him with a good o' make out session. We walk into the room and Zander looks nervous. "You okay?" I ask him to make he didn't go and hurt himself when he punched Noah. He looks at me with loving eyes, while he runs his arms up and down. He finally replies with "Are you kidding? Are you okay? I wasn't the one that was just harassed by my crazy ex." He looked worried. I couldn't help letting a smile fall unto my face. He is so sweet. I place my hands on both side of his face pulling him into a kiss. He kissed me slow as if wanting to memorize the feel of my lips pushed against his. Sparks are flying more than I have ever felt before. Maybe everything could be perfect as long as I have someone how could kiss me with so much passion.  How could this get any better I have this perfect, sexy gentleman and Lizzy has Zane which is 1000 times better than Tony. Just as our kisses started to become faster and more heated the door flies open and Zane is in the door way. "Thank god I found you two. We are leaving now." He went to leave the room but I stopped him "Zane what's going on? What happened?" Zane looked at me for only a second. After about a minute he finally answered me "I don't know but Lizzy sent me to find everyone and when I found Alex and explained what happened with Noah. I don't know he just took off running like a crazy man. He yelled at me to fins you two. So now I am really worried because he look scared." I listened to what he had said and pushed him out the way and took off to where I last seen Noah taking off to. Before I made it out of the hallway though there was a gun shot. Everyone dropped to the floor but I didn't. I couldn't. I don't know who it was at the other end of the gun. All I know is that I can hear Alex screaming Lizzy's name. Please don't be gone. Please don't be gone. Please don't be gone. I keep repeating over and over in my head. I knew I shouldn't have left her knowing that Noah was here but, I didn't think she would do anything with Zane here. I guess she found a way though. Oh my god please tell me she hasn't done something really stupid and got herself hurt. As I reach the door though all I saw was her laying limp in Alex's arms. I stop only for a moment. I quickly run to where Alex is sitting on the ground. "What? What happened? Alex look at me. Please tell me what the fuck happened?" Alex looked up at me and I kind of wished he didn't. He had tears running down his face. He opened his mouth to speak but then closed it. He looked around then back on to Lizzy. "She was out here all alone with that jackass. We were all too busy. We both know how she feels about him. Yet, neither of us thought to keep an eye on her. She is so stubborn, she made sure none of us were able to help. She wanted to prove that she could still handle herself. I made it here just in time to see him pulling the trigger. She isn't dead and I have already call 911. She is bleeding a lot. I wish she would just open them beautiful green eyes and tell me to stop worrying that she is fine, even though we both know that she isn't." He looked at me. I am trying to stay strong but I know that tears are running down my face. "Alex she wouldn't let us help her. You know her as well as I do. This was one of those things she would have found a way to handle it. At least we were here to find her in time. Any other time and we might now have been so lucky. She might have just laid on the ground alone and no one would even know. Plus there was no way that any of us knew he brought a gun." I grab his hand. Damn where the hell are those paramedics. I look up and Zane and Zander are in shock over in the door way. Neither understanding anything. Maybe it is time to tell them everything about Lizzy's and Alex's jobs.  I mean she is alive so that is good. She only got shot in the shoulder from what I can see. This could have been way worse if Alex hadn't startled Noah. Speaking of where is he? "Alex where is Noah?" Alex looked at me "He is over by the fence knocked out. I punched him pretty hard when he ran. I didn't hurt him like I believe he sound have been but I had to make sure she was okay. We may not have worked out but between the two of you and my mom, no other females will put up with my bullshit. I still love her, she is like my little sister now and I wasn't able to protect her." He looked down at Lizzy again and this time he didn't look away. Not when I talked to him, not even when the paramedics arrived to pick her up. He rode to the hospital in the ambulance with her. Zane, Zander and I are going to get Mike. Everything is going to be fine. I hope.
Hey my lovelies so I have had this written for a few days but couldn't find the time to type it. Yea I know it is short but that is because I thought I needed to clear up somethings that I didn't think made since in Elizabeth's POV. SO yea I believe this will help clear up some holes that I may have left blank. Love y'all

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