Chapter 5

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I was in the middle of getting ready to go meet up with Zane when there is a knock at my bed room door. "It's open."I call out. I never thought that I would see who I did walk into my bedroom. "Tony?" Tony was standing there in my door way. Don't get me wrong we have hung out a few times since the break up but, I never thought he would come over here. Why is he over here."Hi Lizzy." He looks kind of nervous. "Um-mm Tony I don't want to seem like a bitch but why are you here?" I guess that helped him loosen up a bit because he has that stupid cute smirk of his on his lips. Man I'm in trouble now because, I fell in love with that smirk and though we broke up I still love that smirk. After about a minute or so I realized neither one of us have said anything we are just staring at each other. "So, are you going to give me an answer or just stare at me because I have to be some where." I tell him. I mean it is the truth I am supposed to meet Zane in 30 minutes. All I have done is my hair and makeup. I still have to get dressed. Man I am really starting to sound like a girl. One of the kind of girls I normally would beat the crap out of."Oh right. I wanted to see if we could, you know talk." OK  so he can speak and he wants to talk. So,do I talk to Tony or do I tell him that I don't fell like talking and that he needs to go. I mean I don't feel that way about him anymore.I will always care for him. Just not in the same way. Zane is new and I  already know that I like him, a lot. For Christ sake I am acting like a freaking girly girl at the thought of him. Which I really hopes goes away. And soon But, then again I can't start something new with out being completely through with old flings. I would talk about it with one of my best friends but as seeing neither one is available at the moment I will have to go with my gut on this one. Figures crossed because when it comes to boys I make bad chooses. "OK we can talk but, first I need to text some one and tell them that I am not able to make it at this moment.K?" He makes his way over to my bed and takes a seat, nodding his head to let me know that he understands. I walk over to my phone and send Zane tell his that I can't meet up right now. Then, I set my phone done and make my way over to where Tony is seated. I get comfortable because I already know this is going to be a long and stressful conversation.                                                               **************************************************************                                                                                "So ummm I don't know how to start this conversation."I finally say after about  2 or 3 minutes just sitting here. "Ok, So I will get right to the point. I know that you have getting close to this Zack dude and I realize that, that it is driving me crazy thinking of you with someone else. My point is that I am so so so sorry for being so stupid and I really wish you would give me another shot." Wow I mean just wow. I mean I knew this was coming but hell. what do I say. I need to say something. But, all I want to do is run. That isn't going to salve anything though. So here goes nothing. "First of all his name is Zane.Ok, Tony I still love you and all I mean you where my longest relationship and all. But, when you cheated you broke my heart. It really hurted but, I got over it, After time. I know your feelings for me. And I cannot deny that I still have feeling for you because I do and mostly always will. I just can't. I'm sorry." Well I feel better now that, that is all out in the air. I would never want to hurt him but I can't help how I feel and that is how I feel. Plus, I really want to see what is there between me and Zane. Tony looks like he wants to say something but can't find the words. Finally he opens his mouth "Ok I understand but, I want you to understand that this " He moves his fingers backin forth between the two of us." This isn't over I just have to find a way to prove it to you. Prove it I will." WHAT! Did he not just hear the words coming out of my mouth. Maybe I am speaking some unheard language or something. Lord help me this boy is going to drive me nuts.                                *****************                                                                                                                                                 Well tony left a little while ago. So now I am playing on wattpad on my phone. I am like addicted to this app. So I was getting to a really good part in the book I was reading when there is a knock at the door. I am tempted to just let them knock last time I opened a door someone was knocking on it didn't end in so well for me. No one else is home so I have to get up. Crap. So get up and walk over to the door. I swing the door." What" I say before realizing who is at the door. Oh my god its Zane. What the hell is he doing here. Why the hell am I freaking out. I take a second and calm down. "Hey Zane what's up?" He looks almost as nervous as Tony did earlier and now I getting a little worried. "Well, I... I made us a picnick and was wondering if you would like to have a picnic uunder the stars with me." Breath Elizabeth breath he is only a boy. No big deal. You can do this. "Ok I wouldn't mind have a picnick with you sounds kind of fun to tell the truth." I can't seem to get this smile off my face now." Good because that is what I was hoping you would say." Now it looks like he feel the same way. So we walk out to where he already has a blanket layed out. He had a small radio on playing soft music. A picnic basket that is filled with lots of snack foods. Everything is just perfect. Now we are laying on the blacket in silence. Not an awkward silence but a comfortable silence. I liked it. All of a sudden he picks him self up on on arm and is facing me. Before I knew what was happening his lips where on mine. We where kissing. I was slow and sweet at first but it soon became heated. His boy made my mind go crazy and numb at the same time. I fell as if time could have stoped just then and I wouldn't care. But, of course good thing always must come to a stop. And they did he pulled away. I know it was it just catch his breath but wish the we didn't. I know this feeling is only because I haven't  kissed that many guys but man he was a good kisser.

Author's note:

Hey guys so I loved writing this chater so I hope you loved reading it. Well things are getting good between Elizabeth and Zane. I mean they just had their first kiss. Can I just say wow. So I believe my writer's block is gone. As in no more. Thank the lord too. I haded it. I would just sit in front of my laptop thinking of what i could do but nothing was good enough. So yea that sucked. Well I love y'all that are still reading and i encourge you to tell your friends Please and Thank you.

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