Chapter 7

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An hour and a half later in Elizabeth's home town. As me and Zane pull in front of Trina's house. As we pull up I see the door opens. Oh crap I better brace myself for my crazy best friends reaction to me bringing Zane along to pick her up. Well, I don't have to much time because Trina has come borrowing out of the house. "Heeeyyy bitch!" All I can do is shake my head at her. I guess it id too late to turn around and leave. But, no she already saw me. So I turn off the car and step out. "Hey my crazy person." I yelled back at her. She runs up to me and pulls me into a giant hug. She must have realized that someone was in the car. My car. She pulls away looking into the car. After seeing that there is back at me and hits me on the arm. "Ouch! What the hell was that for?" She looks at me like I am stupid. "Are you kidding me? Are you fucking kidding me?" She pulls me to the side to say what she says next where certain ears(Zane) to hear. "You didn't tell me you where bringing hotty hot stuff over there. She nods her head in Zane's direction. I just roll my eyes at her. She always has been a dreamer. I blame it on all the books she reads. I mean I guess it would be hard to not love books when you work in a library. "He wanted to come so I let him and FYI he has name. It's Zane BTW." She me the duh look. Sometimes I just want to hit her. I don't think either of us remembered that Zane was there till and that we were whispering till Zane yelled over to us "Hey earth to crazy girls in crazy girl huddle, I am getting bored sitting over here by m'self." We both look at him I hope he didn't hear anything we said. We just got so lost into our conversation that we forgot about him being here. His mouth didn't stay shut for long before he made another comment ." Ohhh I know, y'all where talking about me. Well ladies I would love to join the interesting conversation." For some odd reason his stupid comments like that is why I attracted to him. He is truly the 1st guy to ever stand up to me in any way or form . Well, other than Mike and even he doesn't. He is bossy but would never try and take me on. I have a tendency to plays dirty. SO fingers crossed that Zane's mouth doesn't go to far over the line of no return. I will just have to try and make sure that doesn't happen. I guess I didn't realized when I zoned out because the next thing I know Trina is waving her hand in front of my face and saying "Earth to Lizzy . What the hell is wrong with you, you know I hate when you zone out on me like that." I swat her hand away and reply by Saying " Yea well, you know I hate when you incase yourself into a book but you still do that." Trina now has a stupid grin on her face that she wears so very often. Not soon after Zane jumps up. As if he just got bit on the ass." What the hell Zane?" He grabs my hand and pulls me to the side. What is it with people pulling me to the side today. "I have the best idea since I decided to ask you out." He holds his hand up telling me to hold anything I was going to say for a moment. "I did ask you out that is what all those walks where and I know that you know that. Anyway back to my idea, so Trina reminds me so much of my best bud Zander. I think we should set them up. We could even go on a double date. I mean if you want too." In this moment this boy could not get any cute. Or sweeter. Me being the impulsive person I am grab of Zane's shirt pulling him forward pushing my lips up to his. His feel so good against mine. I can tell he wasn't expecting it because it he didn't respond at first but it didn't take long till he did. The kiss didn't last long because Trina is watching and making stupid comments. So I pull away from the kiss and look at Zane who looks out of breath, Which is weird it was only a small simple kiss. Seeing this I can't help but smile. Then I realized what Trina has been babbling about "Ohhh gurl! damn. " She thin looks down at her wrist as if she was looking at a watch. "Well, as much fun as this is I am bored so can we hurry this up?" Then she begins to looks around trying not to stare. I mean the kiss was under a minute but Trina at times can be a little ADHD. Not all the time just sometimes like when she has to wait. I laugh at my best friend. "Yes, T we can go now." As Trina starts getting in the car in the passenger seat. I whisper to Zane "We will talk later about the DD, and yes it was the perfect idea." When I pull away I get back into the drivers seat. Trina called shotgun so Zane is put in the back seat. Which kind of sucks because I was enjoying sitting next to the black haired blue eyed boy. As we head back toward my mom's I have the feeling the ride back is going to take way longer than it took to get over here to pick her up. All thanks to my bestie, Trina.
In the car on the ride back home. Trina has been shooting questions left and right. Nothing to big so I am not completely paying attention. Well not till I hear hr next question. "So, Zane what are your intentions with my girl over here?" Trina points at me. Poor Zane she has been grilling him for about an hour. Like I said nothing to big just stupid questions like favorite book, movie, color, but now she has brought out the big guns. Zane looks so nervous. I wish I could save him from her but, I know Trina well enough to know she won't drop this till she gets her answer. So I am not going to do or say anything. To tell the truth I kind of what to hear his answer. Now it looks like he is looking for the right answer.

Author note:
Hey guys. Yea I know I suck but it have been going to the doctors a lot and with finals coming up it is really hard to find time to write. Yea so I FINIALLY found who I want as both Zane and Trina still looking for Elizabeth. Ohhh and we have a new character soon. So yea. Oh and one more thing, Will y'all please tell your friends about my story I am hopping to have 500 reads by chapter 10 but if I don't I think I might just stop writing. I love love love the readers I have but I might only have like 10 steady readers. and they are awesome. I just really want to reach my goal. The next few chapters are going to be big. At least they will be if they turn out like I want them to so yea. Please help me out with 500. Thanks bunches.
Love D'sha ( D shay is how you pronounce my name BTW)

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