Chapter 11

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Zander's POV
A/N This starts from when they reach the Diner and are getting out of the car. So yea, read on and enjoy. ;D
I had no idea why Zane brought us all the way to the middle of nowhere. OH, no maybe he has gotten tired of me and is bring me out here to get rid of me. Nah, he loves me. We're walking into a building that looks like a Diner of some sorts. It is old and run down. Why would he bring me to this dump? We walk through the door, there aren't very many people here. From what I can see there are 2 girls sitting close to the window in a booth, two guys in at a table in the farther back, and an older lady behind the counter. I follow Zane as he leads the way to the two girls by the window. No, no don't go over there. The girls look as if they are having an...on edge conversation. When we reach the table, there conversation came to a stop. Then Zane spoke "Why, Hello beautiful." What the hell is he doing? Didn't he say he had a girlfriend? Oh man Zane don't be that guy. He kissed the girl on the cheek. He then proceeded to talk "Nice to see you again Trina. Girls this is my friend-"Zane was caught off by the girl who I now know is named Trina "OH, HELL N'O ELIZABETH MICHELLE YOU BETTER NOT BE TRYING TO SET ME UP ON A DATE. OR SO HELP ME GOD!" Well, Trina scares me a little and by the looks of the other girl, that I now know is Elizabeth, She feels the same way. Wait Elizabeth. Where have I heard that name before? I mentally slapped myself. Duh, she is Zane's girlfriend. No wonder he kissed her. Wait what is this about a date. They are trying to set us on a date. I look from Trina to Elizabeth then to Zane then back to Trina. Damn, I can be so naïve some times. Elizabeth must have thought something funny because she is now smiling. Okay, this is awkward. No one is saying anything. It looks as if neither Elizabeth nor Trina are going to say first. So Zane does. "Trina that is not what we are doing. We just didn't want you to have to be a third wheel and Lizzy wanted to meet my best bud since I got to meet you and you are her best friend." I watch Trina to see what she was going to say. After a while she gave Elizabeth a look but, I don't know her well enough to understand what kind of look it was. With that over Zane motions for me to slid into the booth first, putting me by the wall. They put me in front of Trina so that Zane would be sitting in front of Elizabeth. "Ok as I was saying before. Girls, this is my friend Zander. Zander if you haven't figured it out yet. This is Elizabeth and her very fiery friend Trina." I give the girls a little wave. I hate being put on the spot. "Nice to meet you both, and sorry if I don't seem like nice company, as Zane like to put it but I was dragged out of the house to come tonight." Zane shoots me a look saying 'Really dude' and Trina starts laughing. "Zander I did not drag you but you need to get out of the house. You can't just read all day." Zane gives me this speech all the time. I don't really understand what the hell the problem is. I look away from Zane and my eyes fell on a peeved looking Trina. "Why can't he. There is nothing wrong with that." Oh, wow is she standing up for me No one has ever done that for me. Zane is my best buddy and all but I always end up having to stand up for him. Zane doesn't give me any time to tell her that is it ok, to not worry about it. "Ummm I don't know it is kind of unhealthy. You have to get out and be around real people not characters." Ok, so I know I just meet Trina but I already know that was not the right to say. It is written over her face. Zane dude this is one fight I can't get you out of. "No it is not unhealthy. You know why? Because it takes a creative mind to be friends with a book characters. You want to know something else you are saying that means that you must know nothing about your 'best bud' because I know I am the same way and Lizzy would never ever say anything like that to me. Yes I know at time she may think it. Like when I get carried away but, she never says it. Ok I am just going to shut up before I get really pissed and I can't stop myself from saying something I shouldn't." WOW! Yea that just happened. I am completely stunned and by the look of Zane so is he. Elizabeth doesn't look all that stunned because she just burst into laughter. How could she find any of this funny? To tell the truth I kind of found that hot. Does that mean there is something wrong with me? I mean I have never had someone stand up for me. Not to mention how passionate she was about it. Before I knew what I was doing I was bending over the table and motioning for Trina to do the same. I am not really sure what I am going to do yet but, I guess I better figured it out and soon. As Trina came closer it came clear what I wanted to do. I want to taste the passion. The way she spoke pulled me to her. I placed a hand on each of her cheek to hold her in place and pull her into a kiss. I have never been this bold. Where did I get this boldness come from and where can I get more? I mean WOW. Just wow. As we pulled away we just stared into each other's eyes. That was amazing. Her eyes are so beautiful. She is beautiful both inside and out. I haven't known her that long and I can tell that. She stands up for what she believes in no matter the opponent. Zane speaking brought me out of my trance "Dude... what the hell was that?" I heard what he said but didn't look away from Trina and didn't say anything afraid that she will disappear. As cheesy as that may be. It is true. Trina broke the stare when Elizabeth waved her hand in front of her face. She blinked a few times and looks at Elizabeth. "What?" She asked her. Her response was "Are you kidding me? You two where off in your own little world over there. What the hell just happened?" Trina looks taken back for a moment. "I don't know what just happened." She looked at me for answers. Oh, hell all eyes are on me again. To make matters worse I don't really have an answer. So I just say the first thing that comes to mind. "Well, I don't really know. It's just the way she was talking about books and reading. I just, I couldn't help it. Trying not to be to forward or to talk out of place but, it was kind of hot." Everyone seemed shocked by what I said but, Trina had a smile. What a beautiful smile she has. Man, I would love to make her smile at me every chance I get. "Trina what is with the smile?" With that said her smile dropped. Damn Elizabeth did you have to say that. I was enjoying her smile so much. I was thinking so hard I didn't notice the older lady from behind the counter had walked over here and was talking to the girls.
Elizabeth POV
It is now 9:30. 30 minutes till we have to meet up with Trina and Zander. Zane and I have agreed to go for a walk. A small walk nothing to big just around the block. We have been walking for about 5 minutes when we hear "Elizabeth is that you?" I turn around to see an old friend of mine. "JJ oh my god I haven't seen you since you moved school to be closer to Nicholas." I give her a huge hug. "Well, yea." I pull back and move back under Zane's arm as I was before. "So, what brings you back? Oh, no you guys didn't spilt did you." JJ looks a little amused. "No, no nothing like that. Actually he is parking the car." As she said that a male walks up to us. He is JJ's boyfriend Nickolas. "Babe who are you talking to?" He ask as he finally reaches us. "Babe you remember my friend Elizabeth don't you? We used to hang out all the time and this is her..." She is give a questioning look "Boyfriend?" She says but doesn't know what to say. I smile at her confusion. "Yes, he is my boyfriend, Zane and it's nice to see you again Nickolas." I shake his hand. "Yea you too. You two used to be so close. Than you weren't." JJ look like she is about to burst with laughter. "Babe, babe just stop. Anyway so Lizzy what have you been up to?"  I think another reason we stopped hanging out is because things got so crazy with the gang. So I was swapped and didn't have time to hang out with friend well, other than Trina. "Well, you know nothing really new. Tony and I broke because I found him sleeping with Carmon. So, I dumped his ass. Then, I found this dashing devil. Other than that my life is a bore. How about you?" JJ smiled up at Nick. "Well, Nick finally popped the question." She said as she holds out her right hand with the diamond on the ring finger. "Well, we are going to wait till school. I have to finish up my last year of high school and he just started collage." I smile at the happy couple. I have never seen such a couple in love. Don't get me wrong they have their fights but, the always make up. "Congrats I am so happy for both of you!" I give JJ a hug. "Oh and, I will be going back to school with you next year." I let out a small sequel. "Oh. Yay. Our senior year is going to be awesome with you back in town." This time she gives me a big hug and smile. "Babe we gotta get going. It was nice seeing you again and I hope you will keep an eye on my girl next year. I don't want any guys getting ideas." Nick says. JJ looks at him over her shoulder like 'really' "Yea, I will keep your girl out of trouble." I shake his hand once again and give JJ a hug. We Say our good byes then they walk off. I rap my arm around Zane's waist and we began walking back to the Diner because it is about time to meet up with the new book love birds. They only just meat but everyone can see they have something special.
Zane and I walk in and blissful silence. We arrive back at the Diner just as Trina and Zander come walking out of the Blue hand in hand. In their other hands they are each holding a book. They are the perfect nerd couple. See everything worked out for the best. I know Trina was mad at first now she can thank me instead. Okay, so maybe that is not going to happen. She is too proud to admit that I was right. But, what girl isn't.
Trina's POV
Zander and I were each looking through the shelfs. I could hardly concentrate on the book titles my mind keeps running to wonderful boy that came here with me. The boy is so different from my ex. Noah was the bad-boy so to say. You the one who loves to drink, go to parties. He even smoked, and raced. But, Zander is a book lover like me. It is a nice change and that kiss. My lips are still tingling. I wouldn't mind doing that again. Now back to the topic at hand. I am looking for the City Of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare. It is the last book in the Mortal Instruments and it's the only one I haven't read yet. As I find the book Zander turns down the same isle that I am on. Man he is hot. 'No Trina you can't get into another relationship because they are cute.' 'Well, he is smart and nice also. So, why not?' Zander walking up to me stopped the little argument I was having in my head. "Hey" he said as he reach me. So I replied with a simple "Hey" I can't help but to smile. It seems to be a good thing thought because he smiled back at me. There is only one way to describe his smile 'Breath-taking' "So" I stumble on my words. "Did you find a book?" This only made his smile grow. Boy what are you doing to me? "Yes, I did. Did you?" I gave him a nod and showed him the book in my hand. "Good you ready to go to head to meet the other two lame asses?" I asked him. He nods and we walk over to the counter. Behind it is one of my favorite old people Mr. Brown. He is 84 and is sweet hearted but, doesn't talk much. Most likely why he owns a library. "Hey Mr. Brown, How are you today?" I asked as if we walk up to him. "Trina my sugar plum, it is always good to see you. I am doing fine but, Katheryn has been asking when you were going to read for her. She misses you." At the mention of his wife I smile as big as I can. "Tell her I will come by soon. I miss her too." I place my book on the counter and he grabs my hand and squeezes it before scanning the books. I am going to put both books on my card. "Okay is that all for today Sugar plum?" I nod and tell him a good-bye. Besides Mrs. Lily, Mr. Brown is my favorite old person that and Mrs. Katheryn. As we begin to walk out the door it looks as of Zander wants to hold my hand but, is scared. Boys. So to help him. I take his hand in mine. It feels nice. Now we are both smiling. We start our way to the Diner hand in hand. We both have books in our other hands. I can say best date ever. Noah was never romantic. Zander is going to be good for me. Not that I going to tell that to Lizzy.  Well, not right now. I am supposed to be mad at her. As we reach the others we all say are good-nights. Zander gives me a kiss on the cheek. He is so sweet. Lizzy and Zane do quick peek on the lips and say their good-byes. Then, we go to our different cars. Both car drive in the same way. So, that means I will get to see Zander tomorrow and that thought is the reason I fell asleep with a smile on my face.
Author Note:
Hey guys sorry it took so long to update. My computer didn't seem to work correctly. I would have don't it on my phone but I had already wrote it one my laptop. So yea any way enjoy. And to my bestest friends who I know is reading this. Do you remember Mawmaw Katheryn? Well I put that in there just for you. Love Ya all my readers.

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