Chapter 10

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Just got ask from vacay. Yay I love the Tennessee Smoky Mountains. I hadj so much fun with one of my closest friends. So I had haft of it written but it somehow did not save which really pissed me off because I had like over 1000 words and it was looking to be so good. But, enough about me y'all people want to get the date.

As we pulled up to the diner, I was kind of glad that the boys had not gotten here yet so that can brief Trina on what was going to happen tonight. I have to tell her something or she might end up killing in my sleep. So we walk inside and find my seat. I always sit in the same spot by the window in the back it has the nicest view of the pond behind the diner. No one ever really sits her and if they do, they move when they see me. The diner doesn't really get new customer so they all know me and they know that this is my spot and has been since I was 13. Once we take our sets I look at her a creepy smile on my face most likely. Though I can be an amazing liar. I could never lie to Trina. Which is really strange. After a few moments of us just sitting there me smiling and nether saying anything Trina speaks up first. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I take a deep breath in and start. "Well, you see umm... I kind of maybe invited Zane and --"Elizabeth was cut off by Zane and Zander walk into the Diner and right over to where they were sitting. "Why, hello beautiful." Zane bends down and gives Lizzy a kiss on her cheek. "Nice to see you again Trina. Girls this is my friend-"This time it is Zane's turn to get cut off. "OH HELL NO ELIZABETH MICHELLE YOU BETTER NOT BE TRYING TO SET ME UP ON A DATE OR SO HELP ME GOD." Lizzy went all bug eyed. She has taken on drug heads who were grown men but she is deadly scared of her best friend who can't even kill a bumble bee well unless it stung her then she goes all crazy bitch on it.

Flash back:

"Well hello little bumble bee." Trina said to the bee that flew by as were lying in the grass. We had drank a few shots of vodka, like 2 each, coming out her because Trina's book had a bad ending and she was upset. Anyway I tried to tell her to leave it alone but she just would not listen. She went to reach out for it and it stung her finger. "WHAT THE HELL YOU STUPID ASS BEE. I WAS BEING NICE TO YOU, YOU, YOU STUPID ASS FACE. Lizzy give me your gun. This little mother fucker needs to learn their lesson." Not think I handed her the gun and with perfect aim she shot the bee. What was awesome was that she has never shot a gun but maybe twice. That is why she scares me there is never telling what she could do when she is pissed.

End of flash back

Elizabeth now has a small smile on her face. Right then she noticed that Trina was waiting on someone to say something. She did even know what to say. Thank god Zane came up with something. "Trina that is not what we are doing. We didn't want you to be a third wheel and Lizzy really want to meet my best bud considering I got to meet her best friend." Trina seem to be thinking about it. After a while she gave a look say 'Ok if you say so but we will talk about this later' and I know that, that is so going to happen but maybe after she meets Zander it won't be as bad. The boys take their seats at the booth. The girls on one side the boys on the other. Zane sat in front of Lizzy so that left Zander to sit in front of Trina. "Ok as I was trying to say before, Girls this is my friend Zander. Zander if you haven't figured out yet this is Elizabeth and her oh so fiery friend in Trina." Zander gives a little wave. "Nice to meet you both, and sorry if I don't seem like nice company as Zane like to put it but I was dragged out of the house to come to night." Zane sends Zander a look and Trina bust out laughing. "Zander I did not drag you but you needed to get out of that house. You can't just read all day." Trina has a straight face. "Why can't he. There is nothing wrong with that?" Uh-oh he doesn't understand what he just started. Zane looks taken back trying to figure out what she did wrong and Zander looks shocked. "Ummm I don't know it is kind of unhealthy you need to get out and be around real people not characters." All hell he really got himself in deep now. There is no turning back now. "No it is not unhealthy. You know why? Because, it takes a created mind to be friends with book characters. You want to know something else you saying that means that you must know that much about your "best bud" Because I know I am the same way and Lizzy would never say that to me. Yes she may think it at time when I get carried away but, she never says it. Ok I am just going to shut-up now before I really get pissed." Both of the boys are stunned. Without being able to hold in my laughter I just let it out. Trina is always so kick ass when she gets like that. To add to Trina outburst and my laughing. But what happened next no one saw coming.Zander reached over the table and motioned Trina closer as if he was going to tell her a secret. Trina did as he asked because well he hasn't done anything to make her not trust him. Plus she is starting to like the guy. He is funny and they seem to have a lot in common. When they met at the middle of the table though. Zander put a hand on both side of her head. Instead of telling her a something in her ear it looked more as if he wanted to tell her something only the two would understand. Zander came closer to her and laid one right on her. He kissed her. He really kissed her. I thought Zane said Zander was shy.The boy that just kissed my best friend in the middle of the Diner does not look shy. Like at all. When I am finally able to look away from the two who have pulled away and are now staring at each other as if they are the only two in the room. I looked over to Zane. He looked as shocked as I was. After a few moments of no one saying or doing anything Zane decided to speak up "Dude...what the hell was that?" I don't think either person heard him though. So, I just went ahead and waved my hand in front of Trina's face to get her attention.Trina blinked several times and looked at me. "What?" Trina asked as of what just happened was not at all out of the ordinary. "Are you kidding me? You two where off in your own little world over there. What the hell happened just then?" After listening to what I just said Trina looked taken back "I don't know what just happened." Trina look over to Zander "What did just happen?" All eyes are on Zander now, "Well, I don't really know. It's just the way she was talking about reading and books. I just, I couldn't help it. Trying not to be to forward or to talk out of place but it was kind of hot." If weren't all shocked before we are now. I glanced at Trina from the corner of my eye and she was shocked but she also had a smile on her smile. "Trina what's with the smile?" I ask her. We are going to have to talk so that I know what is going on the head of hers. But that will have to wait because Mrs. Lily the Diner's owner walked over to our table. "Well, hello my girls. How are my lovelies doing today? Trina I am disappointed in you, you have not been to see me in forever." Trina now has a guilty look on her face even though she knows that she is just joking with her about being disappointed. "Sorry, Momma Squared I have been busy." We have called Mrs. Lily that for as long as I can remember. We call her that because she is like a second mother to me. As well as Trina. "Well little one I bet you have been down to the Blue. I am only a few doors down you could have just dropped by for only a few minutes. That would not kill you." I could all ready tell Trina was giving in. "I'm sorry I will try more. I promise." Mrs. Lily looks as if she was considering what she just heard. Finally she replayed with "Ok, I forgive you. Now someone tell me who these two good looking gentlemen you have brought to see me today are." I let a smile on my face. "Well, momma squared the one in front of me is Zane and the one by the wall is his friend Zander." Now it is her time to smile. "Oh okay so this is the new boyfriend you were telling me about and jeez Elizabeth you when through with the setting up Trina." I look down trying not to make eye contact with her and from the corner of my eye I can she Trina is pulling off the I am going to kill you look with a tint of blush on her cheeks. I wonder what that is about. "I am sorry. Well, kind of cause I mean they really seem to like each other." This time Mrs. Lily let out a small laugh "It's ok don't worry about I saw the way those where looking at each other. I can tell that they like each other. I hope it works out for all of you. My girls deserve it. Now what can I get you?"At this I do what I do every time I order for everyone. The boys look like they are looking at what they want. While Trina just sits there she know I am going to order so there is no point. "I would like a small cheese burger and fries. Trina will have cheese fries. Get both of the boys cheese burgers." She stops for a moment to get a good look at the boys. "But for Zander's no pickles or onions and Zane's no mayo. To top it off 2 cholate milkshakes and 4 straws. Oh and 2 more order of fries for the boys to go with their burger. I think that is good. Thank you momma squared." After she walked off to get our order both boys looked at Lizzy with a confused. I guess out two Zane was the one who had something to say. "What just happened and why did you keep calling her 'Momma Squared'? What does that even mean?" Trina is trying to hold in her laughter but is failing. I smile at Zane. "Well, I was correct wasn't I. That is what you wanted wasn't it?" The boys look as if they are thinking about what I said. "Dudes she has a gift. She always knows what everyone wants. So, just admit that she got it right. She loves to hear it." Trina was looking at the menu she does that when she gets bored. "Ok, yes that is what we would have ordered. It's you got the order exactly right. I mean how did you know Zander didn't like pickles or onions or that I don't like mayo. That is weirdly amazing." Zander nods his head in agreement. The rest of the date went pretty much the same. Other than after they finished their food Trina decided that she was done here. So she grabbed Zander's hand and dragged him to The Blue (AKA the library). We all agreed to meet up at 10 to head home. Zander is staying tonight at Zane's so that we can all hang out tomorrow. All in all we all had a great time. And Mrs. Lily realty seemed to like the boys which is fantastic.

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