Chapter Thirty Eight - Alternate Chapter

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Hey guys, first of all I want to say thank you to every one who has voted/commented on this story. I don't always answer every comment but I do read each and every one of them and I appreciate all of the support!

@only_angel_c actually gave me this idea in the comments and I couldn't resist writing this little alternate chapter following on from chapter thirty eight where Crystal has a bit of a different reaction to seeing FP and Alice Cooper kiss. 

I have worked on it most of the weekend but I have also not slept much so I apologise if it is a little sucky because I haven't edited it much either :)

I was furious! FP had kissed that traitor Alice Cooper on the steps to his trailer and hadn't even tried to hide it from the majority of the Southside. If anyone else hears about this....... UGH

Damn it! My entire leadership could be in jeopardy over this. Okay. I need to think and get out ahead of it. I need to go to the Wyrm. I need dad. I need Sweet Pea and Toni. They'll know what to do.

I turned and started to walk towards the Wyrn, trying hard not to punch Alice Cooper in the face. Or FP. Neither of those plans would help me right now. I threw open the door to the Wyrm with so much force that the entire building shook. Dad had a glass of whiskey waiting for me when I reached the bar.

I downed it, wincing slightly at the taste.

'What's happened kid?' dad asked as he grabbed me another drink.

'FP is a lying, cheating twat' I replied, taking my second drink happily.


'Alice fucking Cooper. I suppose I should've seen it coming.'

'You weren't to know Crystal.'

'Yeah. Where's Sweet Pea and Toni? I need to tell them before they hear from somewhere else and I feel like getting drunk.'

'At the quarry with Kicks, Fangs, and a few others.'

'Alright, I'll go and find them. Don't wait up and don't tell FP where I am. He no longer has the right to know.'

'Be careful. I love you Crystal.'

'Love you too dad.' I leant over the bar to give him a small hug and pinch a bottle of vodka.

He shook his head at me but let me go.

I walked to the quarry and our usual spot where I knew the others would be hanging out.

'Crystal! Hey gorgeous Queen, you come to join us?' Fangs hollered when he spotted me.

'I brought you guys alcohol but I drunk most of it on the way here' I announced, sitting with them.

'You okay girl?' Toni asked.

'FP kissed Alice Cooper' I told her.


'Yup. So I came here to drink and forget.'

'We can help you forget' she grinned.

All of the younger Serpents were together for a change which was nice as we hardly ever spent time together as a large group any more. They had all brought alcohol so we had a nice selection to choose from and plenty to keep us going for hours. Eventually, there was only Sweet Pea, Kicks, Fangs, Toni, Jughead, and I left and we had moved closer so that we were closer to the fire pit to keep nice and warm in the middle of the night.

'Crystal, how much have you had to drink?' Fangs asked as I fell in to Sweet Pea.

'A lot? I don't know, who's counting?' I laughed.

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