Chapter One

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It was a normal day on the Southside, I'd been to the crap heap known as a school all day and now I was at the Whyte Wyrm, a bar my dad ran and the main place where the Serpents spent their time.

I was in the office with FP discussing a few new deals the Serpents had been brought into recently when we heard a commotion beginning downstairs and went to check it out. Well, I did. FP took one look downstairs and stayed behind to ring somebody.

I saw a red headed boy squaring up to Mustang who looked like he was going to destroy the kid. A quick glance around told me that the red head wasn't the only kid here who was out of place.

'Hey! That's enough Mustang. Let 'em go' I ordered, making my presence known.

The boys were immediately released.

'I'll take care of this' FP announced, walking up behind me.

We both walked closer to the kids, the red headed one in particular. From the look on FP's face he knew this kid somehow and while I was intrigued to know how, we had a more important job to do first.

FP escorted the kids out while I stayed inside to chastise Mustang. Well, a little bit anyway since I kinda agreed with his actions.

'You need to control your temper Mustang. I understand your reasoning but those kids were clearly from the Northside and the last thing we need is them dragging the Sherriff down here to raid us!'

'Apologies Crystal but that kid was an ass. Coming up to us acting all high and mighty' he grumbled.

'FP will deal with him, he won't hassle us no more' I reassured Mustang and the other Serpents listening in on our conversation.

When FP came back in, we went back up to the office and he filled me in on what I had missed outside and his plans. Feign ignorance if asked about the Blossoms and hire some Serpents to help out his old friend Fred Andrews who was struggling to maintain his construction business.

'Take six of them' I told him.

'You sure? I thought you might disagree with me' he chuckled lowly.

'No Serpent stands alone FP,' I reminded him 'Does someone need to be reminded of the laws?' I tease, stepping closer to him.

'Crystal' he warned 'We talked about this, you agreed to stop all this flirtatious nonsense until you turned 18' he reminded me.

'It's only a few months away and I've missed your touch' I admitted.

'Is that why I keep hearing rumours about you and other Serpents?'

'I have needs FP and if you won't satisfy them then I have to find people who will' I shrugged 'And plenty of people want to fuck a Queen' I whispered in his ear before walking away back downstairs.

'Queen Crystal! Honour us with your presence during this game of pool?' one of the younger boys, Sweet Pea, called to me.

'Not tonight Sweet Pea, some other time' I replied.

I headed over to the trailer park where the majority of the Serpents lived, myself included. I heard footsteps behind me but I wasn't worried, I could handle whatever or whoever came at me.


I turned when I heard my name and the voice that spoke it.

'Don't go home to sleep mad Crystal' he said softly.

'I'm not mad FP, just tired'

I tried to walk away, to reach my trailer, but FP's hand found my wrist and gently pulled me back towards him. His hands brushed the hair away from my face as he looked me in the eyes.

'I know when you're lying Crystal and I'm sorry we can't be together yet but I'm trying to do right by you' he tried to explain.

'You say that but then you bitch and come across insanely jealous when my sex life is brought up' I scoffed 'You can't have it both ways FP'

'I know and that kills me. I'm trying here Crystal but it's not easy'

'You need to make your mind up regarding what you want Fp. I'm not going to wait around for you so you need to decide soon'

I pulled away from him and went to my trailer, my thoughts filled with FP Jones.

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