Chapter Twelve

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We were ready for this. A group of the younger Serpents has gathered at my trailer. I had specifically requested that Toni stayed home, I didn't want her getting hurt.

'Everyone come armed?' I asked them.

A few of them said yes and a couple said no but I knew they preferred hand - to - hand fighting anyway. Not that I was expecting a full blown fight to break out but we couldn't be too careful.

'Alright everyone, listen up!' I managed to get everyones attention, 'Tonight Fogarty is taking a chance to earn his Serpent skin once and for all with us as his witnesses. But before we go, I have a few rules. One, don't draw unnecessary attention to us, we're going to be on Northside territory after all. And two, don't get involved unless I give the order.'

With that, we left the trailer and headed up to the Northsider. Fangs had already found out where the kid lived so he was leading on his bike, the rest of us following close behind.

We quickly arrived and walked up the steps to the front door. I was leading, Fangs and Sweet Pea flanking me. the kid opened his door at the same time as I reached it, his little girlfriend hiding behind him.

'How stupid are you Northsiders?' I asked him, 'You really think you can come to my house, stick a gun in front of my face in front of my boys, and there wouldn't be any payback?'

His front door then opened wider, revealing more Northside kids.

'You have crap timing sweetheart' one of them said to me, walking forward so we were face to face, 'Bulldogs eat Serpents for lunch.'

'One, don't call me sweetheart - it WILL end badly for you. Two, we'll see about that, one bite from a snake could kill' I responded.

'But hey, more the merrier' Sweet Pea added, looking at the so called Bulldog inside the house.

'Veronica stay here' the redhead told his girlfriend.

They had a small insignificant argument as I continued to have a stare down with the Bulldog who thought he could get away with calling me sweetheart.

'If you want a fight, we'll fight' the redhead announced.

'What about your gun?'

'What about your knives?'

'How about no weapons?' his girlfriend suggested, 'if you troglodytes insit on doing this, there are gonna be rules. Or should I call Sherrif Keller to be referee?'

'Don't threaten us kid. With or without weapons, your little boyfriend here has no chance' I told her with a laugh, 'Meet us on the edge of town'

We headed off on our bikes to the edge of town, rain had begun to fall heavily. I could hear the purr of the engine from the Northsiders cars as they joined us. We stood facing them. 

'New plan guys, we destroy them. Kicks, you have a chance to win your skin alongside Fangs if you impress me' I muttered to the boys before walking forward to face off against the redhead.

'I'm not comfortable hitting a girl' he confessed.

'Too bad' I replied, throwing the first punch towards him, making blood pour from his mouth.

With war cries being yelled, the two sides ran towards each other and began to fight. I continued fighting their leader and out the corner of my eye I saw Sweet Pea fighting the one who called me sweetheart. I smiled briefly, knowing Sweet Pea would make him pay, before dodging an incoming kick.

We were winning. The majority of the Bulldogs were on the ground, already defeated. That's when we heard it. A gun shot went off making us all freeze, wondering who had shot who. It was the girlfriend. That stupid bitch! It was enough to make us run though. A quick whistle from me made all the Serpents rush to our bikes and return to the Southside. We went to my trailer again, not wanting to go to the Wyrm just yet and we patched each other up. Turns out I had a black eye and a couple of bruised ribs from a few of the punches and kicks I hadn't quite managed to dodge in time.

'So Crystal, I heard that the best thing to do after a fight is have sex. You up for it?' Sweet Pea asked cheekily.

'Shove off Sweet Pea, you know you're too young for me' I replied with a grin, 'Listen up Serpents, I have a few things to say. I'm proud of what we did tonight, we showed the Northside that they shouldn't mess with the Southside, we scared them good. I'm also pleased to introduce our two, fully fledged Serpent members, Fangs and Kicks!'

All of the Serpents started cheering at the news and Kicks looked surprised he was involved as well as Fangs. We decided to go to the Wyrm for a few celebratory drinks and celebrate with the other, older Serpents.

'You initiated them?' dad asked as I sat at the bar.

'Yeah, but don't worry, noone died' I reasured him.

'Just a fight looking at the state of you'

'It's nothing dad, I've had worse'

'I know kid but it doesn't stop me from worrying'

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