Chapter Four

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When I woke up I didn't recognise the trailer I'd ended up in so I slowly and cautiously made my way into the small kitchen. I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding when I saw FP at the table. He gestured for me to take the seat opposite him which I gladly sank into.

'Good morning Crystal'

'How did I end up here FP?' I asked.

'After your dance with Toni you continued drinking until your dad asked me to take you home but you had no keys so I rang your dad again and he told me to just let you crash here' he explained.

'Well thanks, but I should probably get going' I replied, standing up to go find my jacket and shoes.

'Will you come back tonight?' he asked hopefully, 'It's Jugheads Homecoming and we've been invited to a dinner at the Coopers house. It'll be nice to come back knowing you'll be here'

'Sure, why not?' I agreed.

I slept off my hangover for the majority of the day, only getting out of bed to grab food, drinks and to text the others to make sure they were all okay after last night. Apparently Fangs and I had been crowned Homecoming Royalty at some point during the night which made me chuckle.

I headed back to FP's that night after showering and changing into fresh clothes. FP let me in and I crashed onto his sofa.

'Popcorn, diet coke, and movies?' he asked.

'Yes, yes, and only if it's Harry Potter' I answered.

He gathered everything, put in the fourth movie, and came to join me on the sofa.

'So is this making it up to me?' I asked him.

'Depends if it's working or not' he responded.

'Potentially. If you keep it up' I laughed, 'But at the end of the day, the Serpents all know that I'm yours and you're mine'

He was prevented from answering me by someone knocking on the trailer door. We both shot up and I noticed the red and blue flashing lights - the Sherriff was here. FP went over to answer the door.

'We have a warrant to search the premises' I heard Sherriff Keller announce.

'Be my guest. I got nothing to hide' FP replied as they barged their way n.

Eyebrows were raised when they spotted me sat on the sofa but I glared back and they started their search. FP sat at the kitchen table and beckoned me over to him as every inch of the trailer was searched, it was quite violating to say the least. The Sherriff was looking through the wardrobe when he stopped suddenly and pulled a box out. FP and I both stood up, shocked, when the Sherriff placed the box on the counter to open it. We both edged forward as he lifted the lid to reveal a gun inside.

'Either of you want to explain this?' Sherriff Keller asked.

I looked at FP who seemed just as confused as I felt. We didn't get a chance to say anything before we were both arrested for Jason Blossom's murder, cuffed, and put in the back of the Sherriff's car to go to the station. I was nervous as hell, while I knew what had happened to Jason Blossom, I hadn't been directly involved. I had to stay quiet and hope I would get out of it.

Once at the station, a female officer patted me down to remove any of my weapons (which I thankfully wasn't carrying), remove my jacket, and my jewellery. The same was done to FP. We were led to an empty cell and left alone.

'I'm sorry Crystal, you shouldn't be here' FP apologised.

'It's fine, they can't keep me here while I'm still under 18' I lightly chuckled, 'They'll contact dad and he'll come get me out'

'I'll be stuck here though Crystal, I'm so sorry'

'Don't worry FP, I'll find a way to get you out and until then I'll make sure the Serpents look after Jughead' I promised.

Sure enough, my dad came to let me out and take me home. After collecting my stuff he led me to the car and while we were driving back to the Southside I filled him in on what had happened so he took me to the Wyrm to tell the Serpents everything.

Toni pulled me into a hug the minute she saw me where as Fangs, Sweet Pea, and Kicks lovingly punched me in the arm.

I walked over to the stage so that I could address all of the Serpents.

'Listen up guys!' I called, getting everyone's attention 'FP and I were just arrested for the murder of Jason Blossom' they all started shouting until I told them to shut up so I could continue, 'I obviously got off but FP hasn't so I'll be in charge until he's out, Tall Boy and Sweet Pea are still our right hands. Nothing has changed here. FP's only request is that we look out for his boy'

'We'll find the kid, make him know we're here for him' Tall Boy agreed.

'Don't do anything without me Tall Boy, the kid needs to see me with you guys, he'll recognise me and hopefully it will ease his mind a little'

'Roger that Crystal'

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