Chapter Five

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The Serpents were lying low when we found out FP had confessed to the murder. I had no idea what h was thinking so we lay in wait, hoping that the rest of us weren't going to be targeted and raided again by those over privileged Northsiders.

We had learnt that Jughead was moving into his dad's trailer temporarily before he was fostered by some straight family on the Southside so we kept an eye on him from a distance until he was ready for our presence.

FP had been offered a bargin in order to reduce his sentence but instead of naming Serpents, he stayed quiet, thank God!

The truth about Jason Blossom's death had been revealed no thanks to Joaquin and Mustang. Mustang was now dead and Joaquin had left town. The Serpents were falling apart and I couldn't stop it........

'We need to be there for FP's kid soon Crystal' Tall Boy told me when we were sat in the Wyrm.

'Fine, get Hot Dog, gather some others and tomorrow night we'll show him we're here' I replied.

We made our way to FP's trailer the next night and knocked on the door. Jughead answered, a surprised look on his face when he saw all of us gathered at the bottom of his steps in the pouring rain. Hot Dog started barking at him.

'Easy Hot Dog, he's family' I told the dog.

'Hey' Jusghead said hesitantly.

'Heaard your dad could've named names but didn't' Tall Boy told him, 'Serpents take care of their own. We wanted you to know, no matter what happens to him, however long he's gone, we got your back'

Tall Boy then offered Jughead a Serpent jacket, telling him he could have it, if he wanted. Jughead didn't hesitate to take it and I swear I saw a smirk on his face as he proudly put it on.

Later that night, the whole town was buzzing with the news that Clifford Blossom had killed his only son. FP had lied to the Sherriff but was stuck in jail due to lying about it and trying to cover up Clifford's involvement. It didn't look like he would be out any time soon........


Okay so I hate this chapter but I have a dissertation due in 10 days and don't have time to go back and edit it but I wanted to update for you guys, hope you enjoy!

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