Chapter Forty Two

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The ambulance we called never showed so FP and Jughead took him themselves whilst I gathered Sweet Pea, Kicks, and a few other younger Serpents. We were on a disruptive war path and I knew the school would be the best place to cause some havoc.

We all had out our knives, ripping the posters and pictures on the walls, Kai and Tiny were destroying lockers, and Sweet Pea had decided to smash whatever he could get his hands on and I was following his lead. It was a good outlet for my anger.

'Serpents! Stop!' Archie demanded as he walked over to us, flanked by Kevin and Moose.

'Well, fellas, looks like we found some Bulldogs to put down' Kicks said gleefully.

'Crystal. I swear, Reggie didn't shoot Fangs' Archie told me, 'It was Mrs Klump'

'Bullshit. Sweet Pea and I saw Mantle with a gun' I replied.

'Then you also saw me tackle him before he got a shot off' Archie told us, 'It was Midge's mom. She's down at the station'

'Yeah, and Fangs is still clinging to life!' I shouted back, 'Whether it was Reggie or Mrs Klump who pulled the trigger, a Northsider put him there!'

'You took our friend. Our brother' Sweet Pea added in a low voice which I recognised to be dangerous, 'You took our land. You'll take everything if we give you the chance'

'So now you get to watch your school burn to the ground' Kai said as he grabbed a trash can and poured the contents on the floor.

He threw it into the trophy cabinet, shattering all the glass and making the Bulldogs jump back in surprise. Just as he was about to drop his lighter on the floor and the rest of us gripped our knives tighter, a group of teachers busted through the doors, ready to fight all of us.

'What the hell do you think you're doing to my school?' Weatherbee asked.

'The same thing that you Northsiders did to ours' I replied.

'Out!' he demanded.

The Serpents and I pushed past him angrily, annoyed that he had ruined our fun and we headed our different ways. The boys went to destroy Midge Klumps house and I headed to the Southside to find FP. I headed straight to the trailer park, to FP's trailer and banged on the door, hoping he was home. He opened the door shirtless and looked at me in shock.

'Crystal?' he asked cautiously, 'What are you doing here? I was just getting changed before going back to see Fangs'

'Just, shush. Okay?' I told him.

I stepped closer to him and kissed him hard, he quickly kissed back, bringing me into his trailer ad closing the door behind us.

'I thought you hated me?' he asked softly.

'I do' I told him, 'But I don't know what's going to happen anymore so just want you. Now'

FP didn't answer me, he just kissed me again, his hands skilfully removing my clothes as I removed his and we made our way to his bedroom. We fell onto the bed as we removed the final pieces of clothing. This was it. This is what I needed more than anything else in my life.


'That was some pretty good make up sex' FP chuckled as we laid in bed together.

'It always was the part of our relationship we never had any problem with' I replied.

His phone started ringing before we could carry on talking. From what I could gather, it was Fred Andrews asking him to go with him and Tom Keller to Pops as the Ghoulies had showed up and were trying to destroy the place.

'Go' I told him, 'I need to check on Sweet Pea and the others anyway'

He kissed me softly one last time before getting dressed and heading out. Once he was gone, I slowly got dressed myself before heading to the Wyrm. Jughead was there trying to hold down the fort but he was doing a bad job of it. Half of the Serpents instantly calmed down the second they saw me join them.

'The Ghoulies are at Pops' Jughead told me.

'I know. Fred Andrews rang your dad when I was with him' I explained.

'You were with my dad?'

'We kinda made up' I shrugged and Jughead pulled a face at me.

'Least one good thing has come from tonight' he muttered.

As the night went on, the Serpents in the Wyrm got more and more agitated as Jughead and I tried to keep them from going out and destroying things, even though I really wanted to join them in the chaos. Sweet Pea was especially angsty and had decided to take it out on Jughead.

'Fangs might die. The Ghoulies are out for our blood, because of a drag race you started' he got up in Jugheads face angrily.

'An hour. That's all I'm asking for Sweet Pea' Jughead tried to reason with him.

Sweet Pea punched the wall and walked away.

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