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So that is it! That is the end of The Serpent Queen. I want to say a massive thank you to each and everyone of you who has read, voted, and commented on my story. I can't believe how much support I have gotten from you all!

Now I know some of you may be a little upset by the ending but I've known for a long time that this is how I wanted the story to end. I wasn't sure how to add Crystal to the storylines that are occurring in Season 3 without going completely off the story and it kinda seemed like she had to die in order to prove that she really did live her life for the Serpents like she always tried to prove to them.

I've got one more little update for you guys that will hopefully come soon. It's going to be a bonus chapter that includes a little bit of detail about what happened after Crystal died and will hopefully include what she said in her goodbye video because I think it's important to show how much she loved each member of the Serpents who were her extended family.

But for now, this is the end, I love you guys and thank you again for all of your support!


Lottie Rose


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