Chapter Seventeen

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I was pissed off when Jughead said he was doing the driving in the race and even more so when he said I couldn't go in the car with him and that he was using his Northsider friends car.

We arrived at the starting point on our bikes and gathered away from the Ghoulies and the Northsiders - not wanting to associate with either of them.

'All right, lets do this!' I announced to the crowds to get them riled up.

They all started cheering as the boys gathered around their cars to do last minute checks. I made my way over to Jughead and Archie.

'Do me proud kids, we need to win' I told them.

I was starting the race so I walked over to the starting line. One of the Northside girls tried to take over the starting of the race but I refused to let her.

'Back off Northsider, I'm the Queen, this is my job' I told her.

She scowled at me but backed away.

'Shake hands boys' I told them 'Race over Herk Harvey Bridge to Dead Mans Curve. First one back here wins'

The boys began to rev their engines as I asked them if they were ready. Once they had both said they were ready, I raised the scarf I had borrowed from Toni for the occasion and brought it down in a swooping motion. The cars sped off as the race began. I walked over to Sweet Pea and Toni to watch the race.

'We totally got this' Toni said happily.

'I hope so, I can't deal with being a Ghoulie any time soon'

The cars were out of sight now but that was when I heard sirens in the distance.

'Everyone scatter! The cops are rounding up Ghoulies!' one of them shouted.

Everyone began to drive off but I waited until Jughead and Archie had come back in the car, I was gonna kill them both!

'You called the cops?' I asked furiously, Tall Boy and Sweet Pea were flanking me 'Where's the honor in that?'

'Calm down Crystal. You think I knew Keller would be there?' he responded.

'I called Keller' Archie told us.

Jughead turned on Archie which made me happy, I was glad he was finally sticking up for the Serpents. Archie said it was to get rid of the Ghoulies for us but he was so stupidly clueless.

'Jughead, lets go' I told him, walking to our bikes.

We all drove off, determined not to get caught by the Sheriff. If Sweet Pea and I got caught again so soon we'd be thrown in jail for good this time.

Monday morning at school, we faced another shock, our English teacher was being arrested. He was the Sugarman, the Jingle Jangle dealer. Our week was starting off good and I hoped it continued.

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