iv: the evil baseball team

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content warning: profanity, slurs, violence, bullying, mentions of anxiety.

IF THERE WAS was one thing Kim Seungmin wished more than anything, it was for a change in what his awful principal called his "person".

Though it may not look like it on the outside, with Seungmin's resting bitch face and carless demeanor, Kim Seungmin was a raging ball of hormonal emotions and stress. Unfortunately, the raging emotions and stress had gotten to him at the wrong time, with the wrong person, and Seungmin had accidentally cussed out his teacher in front of the entire class.

Yeah, it was pretty bad. It didn't help that Seungmin had said some pretty ruthless things either.

If he recalled correctly, he said, and quote, "you fucking cunt, just leave me alone and let me do my damn work! Instead of meddling in all my business, why don't you meddle in your own goddamn business and try to fix your failing marriage with your whore husband?"

Once he realized what he had said, realized that he even spoke at all, he was terrified. He slapped a hand over his mouth, bowed, and yelled, "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry!" over and over and over. He was immediately sent to the principal's office. Understandably so.

Seungmin was now peacefully walking to baseball practice, nothing on his mind, his head clear, and he was ready to practice his favorite game. Looking across the hallway in one swift glance, something Seungmin was accustomed to doing because as one of the main pitchers on his team, he scans the playing field for his teammates every time he was about to pitch.

Speaking of his teammates, they were really good at what they do, but they didn't necessarily like him all that much. It's not him, definitely not. Seungmin was cooperative, always made it to practice on time, and tried to make idle conversation with all his teammates. He usually helped out the first years on the team, and always gave good feedback to whoever he was working with. But there was another player on the team, who was just as nice as Seungmin, that didn't like him.

Him and his goons basically terrorized Seungmin as much as they could, and they also terrorized anyone who looked remotely close to Seungmin.

Why did they hate Seungmin? Probably, if Seungmin were to guess, they were jealous of him. He's seen all of them play, and if anything, they were all average. Main man, his name being Min Junseok, was a better than average batter, being able to hit just about anything thrown at him, but he was still no better than Seungmin.

But thats never stopped Junseok from calling him provocative slurs and names, or throwing a couple of punches to his stomach. Or now, as the bullying progressively got worse, pushing him to the ground to get a few kicks in to make himself feel better.

But that's for another time.

Anyway, Seungmin was peacefully walking to practice, but suddenly, a "dark and mysterious" evil little gremlin that got into fights twenty-four seven, strolled up beside him.

Seungmin ignored him at first. He did, and that plan failed. Evil little gremlin, or perhaps he should call him by his name, Seo Changbin, wanted to start small talk. Seungmin didn't like Changbin, he had a good reason not to. But he was just given a second chance, and if he has to be civil with the evil little gremlin, he would.

Changbin's conversation starter was a rather simple one. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to baseball practice." Seungmin answered stoically, knowing full and well if he let any emotion slip he'd end up with a scowl on his face.

"Oh, sounds fun," Changbin said, sarcasm dripping in his tone. "Anyway, sorry, but I have to come watch you or whatever. I would go walk the halls, but I'd probably get in trouble by one of the teachers, and I would go to the library, but I'm not allowed in there without a specific reason."

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