x: apologies

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warnings: profanity, mentions of depression and self harm, mention of death, violent french fry flinging.

HYUNJIN HAD NEVER seen his best friend so upset before. For as long as he's known Seungmin, Hyunjin has never seen the guy look so distraught and frustrated than he was right now.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Hyunjin asked, moving him to sit down on one of the many benches the mall provided. Seungmin nodded his reassurance, but Hyunjin didn't buy it one bit. "You look like you're about to cry. Do you want a hug? I'm happy to give you a hug if need be."

"Shut up, Jinnie, I'm fine-" Seungmin's voice cracked on the last word, and he slapped his mouth shut with one of his hands. Tears welled up in his eyes, and he took his hand off his mouth and wiped them away.

Hyunjin knew it was serious now, especially because Seungmin let his old nickname from middle school slip out. "Min, it's gonna be okay-"

"Jisung was right," Seungmin muttered, angry with himself, wiping away tears again.

After Changbin had stormed off, Jisung had asked Seungmin why he was leaving. Seungmin had said something out of the way, something really mean, that even Hyunjin was surprised had left his mouth, and Jisung had told him off for it.

"You assuming Changbin's a bully, and then bullying Changbin for it, doesn't make you any better than him. You have no clue why he kicks people's asses. And if he does bully people, though I really doubt it because he seemed really nice, you just did the same thing, so now you're both assholes! Good fucking job!" Jisung had said, his tone stern and flat, and his face serious with a hint of rage. Then, Jisung had took off after Changbin, not even saying bye.

Hyunjin wanted to kill Jisung, not because of what he said, he was definitely right, but because now Hyunjin had to figure out how to deal Seungmin and his feelings, and he had absolutely no idea how.

"Min, you fucked up, bad." Hyunjin said, knowing how bad that sounded, "What you had said about Changbin was no better than that one time you called me a whore that let's his dick control him."

Seungmin opened his mouth to protest, but Hyunjin lifted up a hand, silencing him. "You know I'm right. And you know that it doesn't matter what the situation is like, or what the circumstances may be for that person. You know you shouldn't go around talkin' shit about people. You need to apologize."

"I know," Seungmin grumbled. He wiped at his eyes again, and sighed. After a moment of staring at each other, Seungmin looked away, guilt written all over his face.


Felix and Minho were having a blast. They had even met up with another guy from the principal office fiasco (what Felix had dubbed the whole thing, and Minho had reluctantly decided to go along with). Jeongin was a year younger than Felix, two younger than Minho, but that didn't really sway their opinion on him.

"Damn, I wish we had an actual breakfast," Felix complained, patting his stomach. Minho looked at him with an playfully annoyed look, but sighed. He couldn't believe this kid.

Looking around, Minho grabbed ahold of both Jeongin and Felix's sleeves, "let's go to the food court for lunch."

Both of the other boys agreed, and the trio decided to divide and conquer, getting enough from three different places for all of them to share, because surprisingly, the three of them couldn't make up their minds when it came to food.

After ordering, paying, and finding a table to sit at, they dug into their food and began to chat away.

"So, Jeongin, what got you in the principal's office?" Felix had asked. Minho's eyes widened at the bluntness, but didn't scold him for his manners when Jeongin didn't look too phased by the question.

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