xxvi: pretty makeup

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warnings: profanity, brief mention of murder, sex, drugs, and alcohol

FOR SOME REASON, Hyunjin's home had become the place where they all hung out, or, in this case, got ready for a party.

Ever since Jisung and Jiyeong moved in, everyone decided that since two out of the group already lived there, it might as well become their head-quarters, especially since Hyunjin's mother made some killer snacks. While Felix had shoved Seungmin into the bathroom to do his makeup, the rest of the boys piled into Hyunjin's and Jisung's shared room with a plate of sliced apples and caramel to dip them in.

Since the room was no longer Hyunjin's alone, it was a tad bit cleaner from where Jisung picked up after him. It also now had a set of full-sized bunk beds along with previously owned desk and bookshelf set that had barely been used, both now full of books or pens or other things, like the anime-character figurines Hyunjin still had in boxes that had been hid under his bed.

The room's walls were also redecorated. Hyunjin had a few of his paintings (since he now practiced abstinence and had a lot of free time on his hands) that he was particularly proud of hanging up on the wall, as well as a few posters and pictures tacked up too. He couldn't forget the medal hanging up either, something him and Jisung had a three-day long argument over. It was from Hyunjin's first dance competition, which he had won.

Minho was laid down on Jisung's bed, wiggling his toes against Jisung's leg, the recipient of the toe wiggles going unbothered.

Jisung's bed was the bottom bunk because, as he claimed, "the bottom bunk is the best bunk because I don't have to climb down a ladder when I need to pee."

Hyunjin had responded, "valid point, but it's still boring."

Jisung was sitting crisscross at the foot of his bed, watching something on his phone while braiding tiny pieces of his hair, something Hyunjin suggested he should do instead of pulling at his eyebrows. Jeongin was spinning around and around in the desk chair, and Chan was begging him to stop before he broke something, whether it be one of the things on the desk or his bones. Changbin was scouring the closest, only to pout when he found that none of the shirts in there could fit him or his beefy arms.

Hyunjin was standing in front of the mirror, frowning.

Jisung must've seen him, because he's said, "you look good, Hyunjinnie."

He had also gotten into the habit of calling Hyunjin that nickname. The first time he called him that at school, Hyunjin had to lean against the lockers to catch his breath from laughing so hard. Jisung had been so embarrassed, his face stayed red until lunch time, and he mumbled "I hate you" over and over until Hyunjin apologized for laughing.

Hyunjin took a deep breath and smiled, glancing over his shoulder quickly to see Jisung giving him a grin and a thumbs up.

"Thanks," Hyunjin responded, only to turn the rest of his body and rest his hands on his hip. Then, he quirked his head to the side and asked, "why aren't you going to the party again?"

"Drunk people," Jisung answered plainly, going back to his video.

"And why does Minho have to stay with you?"

"You got a problem with me staying, Hyunjinnie?" Minho mocked the name, and Hyunjin glared at him before Minho mouthed, "one-hundred and eighty degrees for twenty minutes."

Hyunjin shivered and turned back around, looking at Minho through the mirror. "I don't, I was just asking."

"Because I don't wanna go. People are annoying, 'specially the people at our school," Minho explained, sitting up in the bed quickly while also watching his head. He dragged a finger across his throat, grinning menacingly at Hyunjin.

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