xii: a date with a literal ray of sunshine

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warnings: profanity, mimd homophobia, mentions of anxiety, mentions of religion (christianity), thoughts of kissing, jokes of homicide

CHAN, WITH THE help of Jeongin, Changbin, Minho (which was minimal because he didn't like conspiring things behind peoples backs), and Jisung (when he wasn't busy worrying about other things), had mustered up the courage to ask Lee Felix on a date, and then helped him plan said date.

Ever since the mall escapade, Chan now had four other heathens to deal with on a daily basis. Changbin and Jisung were great, though Jisung seemed aloof a lot of the time. Minho was funny and usually helped him with things like school or their friend's first world problems. Jeongin was arguably his best friend, and even though they butt heads half the time, the other half was them laughing and bonding over their crap parents.

And then there was Felix. Lee fucking Felix filled every single corner of Chan's mind, from the second he woke up to the second he fell asleep.

Now, this wouldn't have been a problem had he not have gotten caught smiling, teeth, dimples, and all, at a simple message from Felix while scrolling through social media by his mother, who happened to be a rather religious woman that believed homosexuality was sin. When she asked Chan what he was so giddy about, Chan had almost died from choking on his saliva.

Chan wasn't one for lying, especially to his mother, but he heard the words slipping from his mouth like second nature before he realized he was saying them at all. "Cute video of a dog chasing his tail."

"Oh, really?" She asked, intrigued. Chan got a lot of things from his mother, and his love for animals was one of them.

He nodded, swiftly scrolling back up to the video of the dog. His mother had laughed at it, a sweet smile gracing her lips. Chan had always loved her smile.

Too bad she rarely wore it anymore.

After showing his mother the video, he locked himself in his room so he could text Felix in peace.

The next day, which had been the Wednesday before last, he stalked up to the lunch table where Jeongin sat and slumped into his seat.

"Jeonginnie," Chan mumbled, leaning his head against the cool surface of the teenage germ infested table.

"Yes, senior citizen, that of which wants to get an unknown disease by making out with the table of a high school cafeteria?" Jeongin answered, making Chan bolt upright before immediately slumping back down, this time laying his head in his hands. "Hands aren't much better since you touched the table with them." The sohpomore added.

"Won't you let me dote over the cute, freckled junior I have a crush on in peace?" Chan frowned when he saw the usual mischievousness in Jeongin's eyes sparkle extra bright. He opened his chocolate milk carton as he watched an evil smirk rise on the younger lips.

Jeongin, in all his dramatic, loud, chatterbox glory, said in a voice too loud for Chan's comfort, "You have a crush on Felix?"

Chan wanted to murder a sohpomore. But his homicidal tendencies were put to rest when Jeongin laughed and his eyes sparkled, and then he leaned in and said in a cheery and interested voice, "But for real, you do? Are you gonna ask him out?"

"Maybe?" Chan was unsure, and it was painfully obvious because Jeongin sighed heavily, leaning backwards. The only thing keeping the younger from falling off the seat was his hand gripping the edge of the table. Chan continued, haste and panic evident in his voice, "I don't know! I want to, but at the same time, my mother's a homophobe and I hate keeping things from her!"

Jeongin's face deadpanned as he stared at Chan. Then he cleared his throat, crossed his legs (rather dramatically), and placed his hands (which were clasped together) on the table as he leaned forward. He looked like he could definitely become the successor to his parents company, his ease in acting business-like a wonder.

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