xxix: happy tears

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warnings: profanity, implied sexual activity, mentions of arguments, aggressive door swinging, just bros being gay atp

this chapter is so fucking long

THE SITUATION FELT oddly familiar. Except this time, Changbin didn't have a busted lip.

He was also on the opposite side of the room this time, sitting next to his boyfriend. He was also next to Felix, who had Chan on his other side. The two of them were whispering all lovey dovey, and Changbin was trying his hardest to ignore them, instead focusing on Seungmin laying his head on his shoulder.

Across from Changbin sat Hyunjin, who, along with Jisung, kept making kissy faces at Changbin and Seungmin, because when the two were together, they might as well have been Jiyeong's age. On the end caps sat Minho next to Jisung and Jeongin next to Hyunjin. Minho was watching Jisung and Hyunjin with a twinkle of amusement in his eyes, and Jeongin was simply ignoring all of them.

"When is this woman ever gonna let us in?" Seungmin groaned, lifting his from Changbin's shoulder, the cool air making his skin prickle.

Jeongin sighed in discontent, "hopefully soon. My history teacher is going over the exam for next week and I couldn't convince anyone to record it for me."

"You're not thinking of cheating, are you?" Chan broke away from his conversation with Felix, giving Jeongin a glare of disapproval.

"Hell yeah. Why wouldn't I when he's literally giving us the answers?" Jeongin argued, pulling his phone out of his pocket when Chan began to respond.

Chan, exasperated, pinched between his eyes and sighed. "Yang Jeongin, you will be the death of me."

"Not when I supply you with all the money in the world after taking over my parents business." Jeongin smirks when Chan rolls his eyes, but having won their conversation for the moment, cheerily went back to his phone.

"They're like parent and child," Changbin whispered to Seungmin.

The baseball player, who looked just the same as the first time they were there, giggled the slightest bit before whispering back, "might as well be."

Changbin smiled, and just as Seungmin went back to laying his head against Changbin's shoulder, Principal Bae opened her door and called them inside.

All eight of them rose, and Changbin wiggled his eyebrows at Jisung when Minho held his hand. Jisung glanced at the principal before sending him the finger, and Hyunjin laughed before making kissy faces at Changbin again, pointing at his and Seungmin's own intertwined hands.

Jeongin pushed his way through their little group to get in the door first, pretending to gag as he marched through the three couples and professional third wheel.

Once the eight of them were comfortably in the office, Mrs. Bae smiled at them.

"I'm sure you all have absolutely no clue why you're in here today!" She spoke, proud and happy, and her words made all of them confused. Especially Changbin, because why were they in here? He hasn't punched anyone since the last time he was here, if he remembered correctly.

Mrs. Bae continued. "It's wonderful news that you have no clue why you're here, because that means it worked. The buddy system thing I had you all sign up for, it actually worked.

"Today, I'm here to officially end your contracts, since technically, three of you won't be here much longer, and since it's the end of the school year. I've watched the progress all of you have made, and I'm glad to see you all have improved yourselves." Mrs. Bae glanced at all of them, her eyes bright with excitement.

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