xi: bully

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warnings: violence, profanity, slurs, blood, sexual implications, bullying

WEEKS HAD GONE by. Jeongin and Chan were getting along great. Minho and Felix were kicking ass in the dance club. Jisung had started tutoring Hyunjin in at least three of their classes. And Changbin and Seungmin were simply coexisting.

They had not talked to each other since the mall, barely acknowledging each other when they ate lunch, and walking as fast as they could to get to their destinations to avoid the awkward silence that hadn't been there before the mall.

Seungmin had been going to baseball practice as usual, but was usually greeted or sent off with some form of violence from Junseok or his gremlins. His classes were getting more aggravating, the work more vigorous and tedious, as well as his teachers being a pain in the neck. His family began to notice Seungmin wincing if he moved his stomach too much, and started asking questions.

And finally, Seungmin didn't have the balls to confront Changbin. Hyunjin told him he should, that he wouldn't regret getting to know Changbin and becoming friends with him. That Changbin's not what everyone thinks he is.

But none of that mattered at the moment.

Why? Because it was the first game of the baseball season, and Seungmin needed to get his head in the game and his throwing arm warmed up.

Seungmin couldn't think about Changbin and the unwavering gaze coming from him.


Seungmin did great, despite the streak of pain the went through his torso every time he threw the ball. He only pitched five innings, the first four and then the last one.

Junseok though, didn't seem too happy about Seungmin doing so well, even if they won the game.

Seungmin sped through packing up his stuff, hoping if he was out before everyone else, Junseok wouldn't attack him, but his coach just had to keep talking about his performance. He'd gotten into the locker room ten minutes after everyone else.

Before he could make it out without any repercussions of his fantastic performance, Junseok spoke up. "I saw your boyfriend in the stands."

"Really now?" Seungmin was not in the mood. The last freshman scurried out of the locker room.

The weight of everything- school work, baseball practice, his parent's invasive questions, the situation with Changbin- it all fell on his shoulders at once. Seungmin was tired, exhausted, he wanted to go home, eat dinner, shower, brush his teeth, and go to sleep. And now this, Junseok getting ready to beat the crap out of Seungmin again, leave bruises Seungmin was having a hard time hiding, ready to throw out demeaning words, it has ruined Kim Seungmin's day.

He was over it. Completely and utterly over it.

"Yeah, didn't seem to be interested in the game though. He was staring awfully hard at you." Junseok crossed his arms, his eyes narrowing.

Seungmin felt his heart rate pick up. That sinking feeling took over his stomach, and he held a deep frown on his lips when he let out a fake laugh. "And how'd you notice that? Aren't you supposed to be focused on the ball during the game? Or..."

"Or what, Kim?" Junseok pressed, the anger peeking through his obvious facade of pleasantness.

Seungmin had zipped his bag up, finally ready to go, but didn't pick it up. Didn't throw it over his shoulder and walk out of the room. No, instead, he turned around to face Junseok, a scowl on his face and his voice rough. "Or are you jealous? I have a boyfriend and you don't. Are you jealous of our relationship? Of me? Or are you jealous of my boyfriend? Do you like me, Junseokie? You do know it's okay to be gay, right? It's not a bad thing. You don't have to attack every gay person you see. It's not a sin."

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