xxv: biggest fans

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warnings: profanity, minor tension, and some baseball lingo

SEUNGMIN HAD NEVER realized how nice it was to have friends cheering for you in the stands.

And the game hadn't even started.

The rival team hadn't even arrived yet.

The team hadn't even started warming up.

"You look hot as fuck in your baseball get up," Seungmin had not expected that from Jisung, who was covering Jiyeong's ears (she had apparently begged to come along, promising she wouldn't ask for anything from the concession stand, though everyone knew that was a lie). Said boy had finally started to look better from his... familial problems. His eyebrows were growing back from where he had stress-picked at them. He still had purple circles under his eyes but he easily hid them under concealer now that they've gotten a bit lighter, something Felix showed him how to do. He even dyed his hair blond, which looked strikingly good on him.

Minho gave Jisung a strange look and then asked, "literally what possessed you to say that?"

Jisung shrugged, dropped his hands from Jiyeong's ears, and had a mischievous and goofy grin plastered on his face, "I only state facts."

Jisung had also gotten a lot more unhinged, but anyone could tell that only made Minho like him more. Now that Jisung wasn't the sole provider for a household, now that there were other reliable people Jisung could lean on, he seemed much more carefree.

Everyone seemed more carefree.

From the day they first met, or at least the day they first seen each other, everyone had seemed so uptight, so reclusive, but now, now there were smiles on everyone's faces, now Seungmin had friends who got up early on Saturdays just to sit with him before the high school playoffs.

His family wasn't even there yet.

"You know, Jisung's not wrong," Changbin said softly. The voice made Seungmin's heart swell.

"You think so?" He asked, trying his best to hide a smile. Since he and Changbin had gone to the shelter to volunteer together, Beomgyu's words echoed in Seungmin's head over and over and over. As much as he hated to admit it, the words were devouring him.

Is Changbin your boyfriend? Beomgyu had asked. When Seungmin said no, Beomgyu said that was weird. When Seungmin asked why, Beomgyu said Changbin looks at you like you've hung all the stars in the universe, and you look at him like he's the only person in the universe. Very gay, if you ask me.

Then Beomgyu asked if Seungmin was even into men, which had left Seungmin a very confused ball of stress since then, because, well, was he into men?

Why'd there have to be a label? Why did he have to say he was gay? Or bi? Or pan, like Jisung? Or just queer, like Hyunjin? Why'd couldn't he just be into Changbin?

The thoughts halted when Changbin said, "I do think so. I also think you look really stressed. Are you okay?"

Seungmin bit at his lip.

He wasn't doing the best, a mix of his identity crisis and the nerves about the game almost eating him alive, but he wouldn't tell Changbin that. He couldn't possibly tell Changbin that because it was kind of his fault and that would make Changbin feel guilty and Seungmim would be damned if he made Changbin feel guilty for something that wasn't completely his fault and was half of just Seungmin being stupid—

"Min?" Changbin poked the boy's cheek, making Seungmin glare at him with a pout.

"I'm good, just nervous," Seungmin provided. That was the best he could manage. Anymore and he would expose himself, expose that he didn't know his identity except that he was a baseball player and that he definitely had a big fat crush on Changbin, whether he was gay, bi, or straight.

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