xviii: asses and nicknames

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warning: profanity, commenting on appearance, minor mention of violence

"YOUR BUTT'S NICE," Seungmin said. He didn't mean to say it out loud, at least he believed he didn't mean to say it out loud, but he was definitely thinking about with absolutely no shame.

Changbin's butt was just there, right in his face, and it didn't help that Changbin was wearing tight, light wash blue jeans that showed it off. It was nice and round. It was hot.

All of Changbin was hot today though. Along with the light wash jeans, which were actually stained with dirt, Changbin wore some beat-up converse and a dull, dark purple hoodie that had fraying cuffs on the sleeves and had the pocket sewed up in multiple placed from where it previously ripped. The hoodie went well with his slightly tanned skin and recently dyed hair, which was now a blue so dark it could be black. He had also gotten an undercut, and changed out his usual clear eyebrow piercing for the silver one that made him look so damn fine—

"What did you just say?" Changbin asked, his eyes wide and voice high-pitched and dripping with surprise and false irritation.

Seungmin, finally realizing what he had just let escape his mouth, was about ready to die of embarrassment. Or at least die from the beating Changbin looked ready to give him.

"I am so, so, so sorry," Seungmin said, feeling the same dread he did after he cussed out his teacher, or when he had said those terrible things to Changbin, even though he believed that what he just said was a compliment.

Unless it wasn't—

Oh, my God, Seungmin thought, feeling his eyes widen with the realization, that was so rude and objectifying. I'm an awful human.

"You're not an awful human, Seungmin," Changbin laughed. He'd already gotten over it! How?! The senior had a happy look on his face, and even poked his hip out to one side in a joking manner. "But you noticed?"

Now, Seungmin wasn't sure if he should be embarrassed that he said his thoughts out loud again, or if he should be annoyed that Changbin was now making jokes about his slip up.

To avoid talking anymore about Changbin's ass (even though Seungmin wouldn't mind looking at it a bit more because damn), he expertly changed the topic. "Where are we even going?"

Changbin had showed up at Seungmin's house at the ass crack of dawn that morning, claiming he had a surprise for him. He promised Seungmin would enjoy it. Even when Seungmin claimed that they had already hung out for one of their mandated times this month and had that dinner at Minho's next weekend, Changbin continued to persist. He persisted almost to the point of begging, and to save his dignity, Seungmin obliged.

"You'll see," Changbin wiggled his eyebrows, his voice giddy and face beaming. Mischief gleamed in his perfect, beautiful, dark chocolate brown eyes.

Refusing to be distracted by Changbin's stunning visuals, Seungmin groaned at the response and asked, "does it have something to do with why you told me to wear old clothes?"

"Why yes, Mr.Pitcher, it sure does."

Seungmin couldn't believe Changbin used that God awful nickname, it had been almost three months since the last time he used it, though he should've known Changbin would do anything to be a pain in his ass.

Seungmin continued to ask for details about where they were heading to, but it was all in vain because Changbin kept his mouth firmly shut.


Eventually, they made it well into the city, and Seungmin was pleasantly surprised to find them at an animal shelter. "I see," Seungmin said, resisting the urge to elbow Changbin as he referenced an old disney movie Changbin's probably never seen, "oh yeah, it's all coming together."

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