xix: mother dearest

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warnings: depictions of abuse, violence, and alcoholism. strong profanity.

JISUNG WAS HAVING a good week. It was Friday, and everyone in their group, what Jisung was now referring to as the Principal Brigade in his head (despite being unsure whether or not that was the correct usage of brigade), were basically vibrating with excitement over the dinner Minho was hosting the next day.

Not only were they all happy about the dinner, they were all excited to meet Jisung's little sister, which made Jisung excited because he loved it when other people loved Jiyeong as much as he did. 

The dinner was not the only reason Jisung was having a good week. Earlier in the week, Hyunjin joined the dance club (courtesy of Jisung's persistence and Minho's suggesting it), both he and Hyunjin passed their math test, proving that Jisung still knew what was going on in that class and that his tutoring was actually benefitting Hyunjin, and Minho had been a great help with Jiyeong.

On Monday, Jiyeong's best friend, Sihyeon, had come down with a cold. Sihyeon's mother, a very nice and young woman, maybe in her late twenties, knew that the days Jisung had to work Jiyeong needed someone to watch her. He had told her most of the situation, leaving out the part about his mother's alcoholism, and she happily agreed to help out. But, when Sihyeon came down with her cold, both Jisung and the girl's mother decided, over the phone, it was best he find someone else to watch her. When Jisung relayed the information to Minho, the senior basically lit up the whole room with his smile, claiming he could watch Jiyeong.

When Jisung asked how, Minho claimed that dance practice only lasted an hour after school, around the time Jisung had to go to work, so they would meet at the bookstore he worked at, and then Minho would pick Jiyeong up and bring her to his house and watch her.

Jisung asked if he was sure, and Minho replied, "Of course I'm sure! Why wouldn't I be sure?"

Jisung had shrugged, and Minho smacked his shoulder lightly, exclaiming, "exactly! No more stupid questions!" When Jisung laughed and began to thank him, Minho screamed, "don't say thank you either! This is a privilege, not a chore!"

Luckily, by Wednesday, Sihyeon was all better and Jyeong could start going back over there after school. Minho said he was only a little sad, but Jisung knew by his pouting and grumbling that he was actually very disappointed.

Tuesday was good because it was the day Hyunjin joined the dance club. It was also good because they all discussed what time they should arrive to Minho's house, and what everyone would bring. It was decided that Hyunjin would bring drinks (he shouted "Caprisuns!" as soon as he was given his job), Chan and Felix would make a couple desserts and bring them together, Seungmin would bring his Wii and Jeongin would supply them with his extensive collection of Just Dance games so they would have something to do afterwards, and Changbin would bring an appetizer. Minho was making the actual dinner. Jisung asked what he should bring, and Minho immediately said, "you're bringing Jiyeong! She's the star of the show! Don't worry about anything else."

Wednesday Jisung was told he got a raise. His boss, Mr. Yoon, was a nice old man who excitedly talked about books, and who basically treated Jisung like he was his grandson. His boss would also let Jiyeong come and stay in the break room when needed, but he strongly encouraged Jisung to find other alternatives because it would, "be more beneficial to her young, growing mind to be with other people and not alone in our dingy break room."

Thursday, Jisung arrived to the bookstore to find his boss packing up books. When Jisung asked what was going on, Mr. Yoon explained how his niece, the owner of a record store thats in the mall, and him were combining their businesses and moving to a bigger place. He reassured Jisung that everyone kept their jobs, and that now he would have two more coworkers other than Soobin, a tall and plump-lipped junior that went to his school.

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