The Kiss

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This is a cute little one shot, hope you enjoy :) 

"Toni Topaz, what are you doing here?" Cheryl asked as she opened her front door. 

"Well, after last nig-" Toni begun to say.

"We don't speak about last night, Toni. You tell anyone what happened and I will kill you." Cheryl interrupted Toni. 

"Oh uh, okay." Toni nodded and turned around, walking to her best friends car, that she had borrowed. 

"Why do you even care about what happened?" Cheryl scoffed, causing Toni to turn around and face her. 

"Just forget it, okay?" Toni shook her head and got into her car, pulling out of Cheryl's driveway.  

Cheryl rolled her eyes and walked inside. 

"What was that about?" Betty asked as Cheryl walked back  into her room. 

"Nothing, nothing at all." Cheryl smiled and sat down next to her cousin, with a big sigh. 


"What's wrong Toni?" Fangs asked, taking a bite of his sandwich, the two were at Fangs trailer, "You seem down." Fangs added, setting down his game controller. 

"Cheryl is acting like there is nothing between us, and oh yeah, we kissed last night, more like we made out." Toni replied, shaking her head and leaning it against the couch. 

"Yessss, get it Toniiiiii," Fangs put his hand up for a high five, Toni shook her head, "but also damn, that sucks." Fangs added, slowly lowering his hand. 

"I just thought I was finally getting somewhere with her. Its her fault I started having a crush on her in the first place. If she never flirted with me than I wouldn't have thought she actually liked me. Whatever, I'm completely done with her. No more glancing at her in class, no more asking to be her partner in PE." Toni sighed as Fangs pat her head softly, "Well then, screw her, she's the one missing out." He smiled. 

Toni sighed. Cheryl and her had been friends for a good year or so before the two had started getting more flirty, and started hanging out alone. Toni had developed a crush on Cheryl but she pushed it down, until Cheryl kissed her last night, leading to them two making out. After they had made out, Cheryl left Toni's trailer in a hurry. 

"Yeah...screw her." Toni smiled a bit, leaning her head against her bestfriends chest. 


Next day at school, last period, math class.

"Hey Toni, can you he-" Cheryl started saying, leaning over towards Toni's seat. 

"Nope." Toni turned her head and paper away from Cheryl. 

"Damn, rude much..." Cheryl mumbled, tapping her pencil as the clock ticked. 

"Shut up Cheryl." Toni scoffed, putting her stuff in her bag as the bell rang. Toni quickly left the room, trying to exit the school as fast as she could, holding back tears. She's never wanted to talk to Cheryl like that. 

Cheryl quickly packed up her stuff and ran out after Toni. 

"Toni what the hell." Cheryl said under her breath as she caught up to Toni, who was looking at the ground and starting her short walk home. 

"Cheryl, go away." Toni looked at her with disbelief in her eyes, shaking her head. Cheryl sighed adjusting her bag.

"No, not until you tell me what's wrong." Cheryl crossed her arms. 

"What's wrong? What's wrong is that you're acting like nothing happened between us! You may be able to forget about what happened, but I can't Cheryl! So please, get the hell away from me." Toni said loudly, almost shouting.  Almost everyone standing outside looked over at them as Cheryl sighed. 

"Well great, now everyone knows, thank you Toni." Cheryl glared at Toni, who was playing with her shirt.

"Oh yeah, because its all my fault." Toni rolled her eyes and walked away. 

"I'm sorry." Cheryl mumbled quietly to herself as she walked the opposite way, towards her red convertible. 


Throughout the day Cheryl couldn't stop thinking about her argument with Toni, so she decided to go visit Toni's trailer. Cheryl took the 10 minute drive to think about what she wanted to say to Toni. 

She pulled up in front of the trailer and got out of her car, walking up to the door. Cheryl was about to knock when the trailer door opened. 

"See you later Toni," Fangs said before turning around to walk out, "Woahhh, hey Cheryl." He smiled a bit and walked past her. 

"What do you want?" Toni called out from inside. Cheryl entered the trailer, closing the door behind her. Toni was sitting on the couch, putting her homework in her binder. 

"I uh, wanted to apologize for my behavior earlier at the school." Cheryl smiled and stood awkwardly. 

"Thats all...?" Toni raised her eyebrow, turning her tv on. Cheryl nodded and pushed a piece of her hair behind her ear.  

"Okay then, you can leave now, thanks for apologizing, I guess." Toni turned on a random movie on Netflix. Cheryl nodded and turned, reaching for the door handle. She hesitated from opening it and sighed, turning back to look at Toni. 

"I'm sorry for everything, not just for what happened at the school. And I didn't want to act on the kiss or you to tell anyone because I'm scared of being judged." Cheryl explained, putting her hands in her jean pockets. 

" could've just told me that, I wouldn't have gotten pissed if you had said that." Toni said calmly, getting up and walking towards Cheryl. 

"I was scared, I've never felt like this." Cheryl said, tears brimming her eyes. 

"Its okay Cheryl, and everything will be fine, look, everyone knows and so far no one has made a big deal about it, it'll be okay." Toni reassured Cheryl, hugging her as tears fell down Cheryl's face. 

"I was scared." Cheryl kept mumbling. 

"Shhh, I know." Toni said as she pulled away from the hug and wiped some of Cheryl's tears. 

Once Cheryl was clamed down, Toni brought her over to the couch. She had made the two tea and had given Cheryl a blanket, which Cheryl was now wrapped up in.

"So, about the kiss...did you like it?" Toni asked with a small smile on her face. 

"I loved it." Cheryl smiled, making Toni blush as she took a sip of her tea. 

"Be my girlfriend Cheryl, that's all I want." Toni asked, setting down her tea and nervously playing with her shirt. 

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend TT." Cheryl replied, grabbing Toni's hand and kissing her cheek. 


The next day the two girls walked the halls of Riverdale High, hand in hand. Like Toni promised Cheryl, everything was okay, and if anyone made a big deal out of them dating, it was in a good way. A lot of people were shocked when Cheryl came out and said she was a lesbian, but they were happy for her and Toni.

"I told you everything would be okay." Toni smiled, swinging her and Cheryl's hands around, as they walked to Toni's trailer. 

"I don't even know why I freaked out." Cheryl chuckled.

"Because, even if you know everything will be okay, coming out is tough, and you still feel like 'what if my coming out doesn't go well' you know?" Toni explained, stopping to look at Cheryl. 

"Exactly." Cheryl smiled. 

"Hey, I'm happy and grateful that you were able to tell me what was wrong and why you weren't feeling so good about the kiss." Toni said softly, putting her hand on Cheryl's cheek. 

"Me too, so so happy." Cheryl giggled with a small smiled as the two leaned in and kissed one each other softly. 

Hello guysss, I just randomly wrote this and decided to post it. I felt like posting a little cute one. Also, sorry if my one shots aren't the best right now, kinda having writers block.

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