You Didn't Deserve That

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I think I'll start posting a one shot once a week. Probably every Saturday starting next week. Would you guys like that?

It was pouring outside as Cheryl ran out to her car, crying. Cheryl got in her car and started the engine.

Cheryl put her head in her hands and cried into her hands. She heard a knock on the window so, she took a deep breath and wiped her tears before looking at the window. Cheryl put on a fake smile as she saw one of her friends, Toni Topaz, standing outside of her car. 

Cheryl rolled down her window.

"Toni, you should go inside, its raining." Cheryl sighed, smiling a bit.

"Im not going to leave a beautiful girl out here alone." Toni smiled and leaned in the window.

"Why are you crying Cheryl." Toni asked and tucked a piece of Cheryl's wet hair behind her ear.

"You know why, you saw..." Cheryl mumbled.

"I only saw you running out of the gym crying Cheryl." Toni replied, running her hand through her now wet hair.

"Oh my god get in the car Toni, you're getting soaked in the rain." Cheryl quickly said before Toni nodded and ran around the car to get into the passengers seat.

"Now, what happened?" Toni asked and grabbed Cheryl's hand.

"I s-saw Heather ma-making out with another gi-girl in the-the bathroom." Cheryl stuttered out while crying hard.

"Shh Cher, its okay....just breathe." Toni whispered and wrapped her arm around Cheryl, pulling her close.

Once Cheryl calmed down she spoke up, "You should go back inside, enjoy your prom Toni."

Toni took a deep breathe and signed, "I wasn't enjoying my prom because I wasn't there with the girl I'm in love with."

"Oh..." Cheryl said quietly.

"Yeah, anyways, you look beautiful in your dress."

"Oh- wow, thank you. No one has told me that tonight." Cheryl smiled a bit, blushing.

Your girlfriend should've said that as soon as she saw you Toni thought to herself.

"Well, no one could clearly see how fucking gorgeous you are." Toni spoke out loud.

"Toni stop, you know you look better than I do." Cheryl rolled her eyes as Toni shook her head.

"Why don't we go to my place?" Toni asked, smiling a bit.

"You sure?" Cheryl said and looked at the pink haired girl. Toni nodded with a small smile.

"But, I'm driving so lets switch places." Toni added.

Toni and Cheryl had to walk for 10 minutes after they parked. The entrance to the trailer park was blocked by construction trucks. The two were shivering and soaking wet.

The two girls walked into Toni's small trailer. Toni threw Cheryl's keys on her counter and sighed, "I'm going to go change into something more comfortable, I'll toss out a sweater and some sweatpants for you."

"Thank you Toni." Cheryl replied and fiddled with her dress. Toni nodded and walked into her small bedroom. She got changed into a white T-shirt and gray sweatpants. She than walked out of her bedroom and handed Cheryl a gray sweatshirt, black sweatpants, and a towel. Toni looked away from Cheryl as she changed.

After they were both done changing and drying off, Cheryl sat on the couch as Toni made the two some tea.

"Here you go Cher, warm up." Toni smiled a bit and set her tea down on her coffee table before sitting down next to Cheryl on her couch. Cheryl nodded and took small sips of her tea, still shivering a bit.

"Here." Toni said and grabbed a blanket off the back of the couch, wrapping it around her than opening her arms for Cheryl. Cheryl looked at Toni and raised her eyebrow.

"Come on, I don't bite." Toni chuckled as Cheryl giggled and put her tea down next to Toni's. Cheryl than leaned back into Toni's arms and took a big deep sigh.

"You're my favorite person ever." Cheryl quietly said as she looked around Toni's trailer.

 "Oh really?" Toni replied while playing with Cheryl's hair.

"Mhm, and you're really warm, like a heater." 

"Well thank you. You're my favorite person too and I'll always heat you up when you need." Toni chuckled as Cheryl reached for her tea and took a long drink.

"Do you feel warmer now?" Toni asked and stroked Cheryl's hair.

"Way warmer, thank you Toni." Cheryl smiled and looked at the pink haired girl.

"No problem." Toni replied, putting her hand on Cheryl's cheek. 

The two girls stared at each other for a few seconds before Toni broke the silence, "You didn't deserve that." she whispered, looking from Cheryl's lips to her eyes.

"Deserve what?" Cheryl spoke up, leaning back a bit. 

"Walking into your girlfriend making out with someone." 

"I don't know, maybe I did." Cheryl sighed, "I feel like I did." 

"Why's that?" Toni questioned, taking a sip of her tea. 

"I don't know, I just- I'm a bitch and I got pissed at her earlier tonight because she picked me up 20 minutes late." Cheryl explained, looking down.

"Hey you're not a bitch. And honestly I would've been pissed at her for picking me up late too, especially 20 minutes late." Toni said, putting her finger on Cheryl's chin and lifting her head up so she could look her in the eyes.

"You didn't deserve it, okay?" Toni told Cheryl with a small smile. 

"I guess." Cheryl sighed, "Thank you Toni, really."

"No need to thank me, I am and will always be here for you." 

"Do you mind if I stay the night?" Cheryl asked, leaning back into Toni's arms. 

"Nope, not at all. Its Saturday tomorrow so we can sleep in." Toni said excitedly. 

"Damn, sleeping in makes you that excited?" Cheryl chuckled, looking up at Toni. 

"Hell yeah." Toni giggled.

"So.....what do you want to do?" Cheryl asked, grabbing Toni's hand and playing with her fingers. 

"Your choice, Cher." 

"I'm kind of tired from all the crying I was doing, can we go to bed?" 

"Of course." Toni replied as the two got up. 

"You can sleep in the bedroom, I'll  sleep out here." Toni said, grabbing their now empty cups and walking into the kitchen, to put them in the sink.

"Nope, its your bed, you can sleep there. I'll take the couch T." Cheryl argued.

"Cheryl, you get the bed, okay? Okay." Toni walked back into the living room and sat on the couch. 

"No, just come sleep with me then." Cheryl argued again. There was a small silence before she spoke again, "N-not like that." Cheryl giggled nervously.

"I get what you mean, and fine." Toni chuckled, as she got up and followed Cheryl into her bedroom. 

The two girls got into the bed and pulled the covers over themselves. 

"Goodnight Cheryl." Toni whispered.

"Goodnight T." Cheryl replied. 

After a few minutes of silence Cheryl could hear Toni's breathing steady, telling her that Toni was asleep. Cheryl slowly moved closer to Toni and rested her head on Toni's chest, causing Toni to automatically wrap her arms around the redhead. 

"I don't deserve you Toni Topaz." Cheryl whispered to herself before she dozed off. 

I hope y'all enjoyed. Have a good night or day wherever you are! Vote for more stories. 

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