The Girl of My Dreams II

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Hey guys! I had inspiration to finally write a part 2 to this! Yayyy! I suggest reading part one because while Cheryl had a different emotions about the dreams and had differnet experiences outisde of her dreams, the story still obviously connects. Also btw, Toni is from Riverdale, Cheryl is from New York. This part is told from Cheryl's perspective from when she started dreaming about Toni to when the music shop incident happened.

Cheryl's POV (New York)

It was the middle of the night when I felt someone tapping arm. Annoyed, I kept my eyes closed and turned away from the person.

"Cheryl...we're you having a sex dream?" Betty, my cousin, asked, which caused me to open my eyes and turn back to her. She had a smirk on her face.

"No...I was uh, running track in my dream. Now go away and let me sleep...its literally still dark outside, why are you in my room anyways?"

"Yeah right, jogging," she air quotes, "and I was coming in here to steal your makeup. Bye bye now." Betty waved and got up from my bed. I just rolled my eyes and pulled my blanket over my head.

What the hell was that dream? It was obviously. The girl was beautiful, the girl of my dreams may I say?

She had tan skin and pink highlights in her hair, thats what I could mostly remember about her. That dream felt so weird. So weird that I was turned on when I woke up but obviously Betty made that feeling go away very quickly.

I looked at my phone, 3 AM, is what it read. After a bit of confusion I got up and went to Betty's room, we live with each other, our moms are best friends so that works out for us.

"Betty, why do you need my makeup at 3 AM?" I asked storming into her room.

"Im going to see Reggie, his parents aren't home." Betty smiled as she put eye liner on, focusing very hard.

"Are straight boys really this horny?" I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up, we're watching a movie." Betty chuckled, redoing one of her eyes.

"Yeah right." I smiled.

"You're the one to talk, miss 'I was running track in my dream'" Betty smirked, looking at me through her mirror.

"Andddd, I'm out." I said, putting my hands up in a 'I surrender motion', before turning out of the room and going back into mine.

2 days passed before I had another dream with the beautiful girl. In this her and I were having a picnic in a beautiful field. I was teasing her by slowly eating a strawberry, which caused her to blush and me to laugh.

After that she just said one word to me, "Hi" which was so nervous and adorable that it just made me smile big. I loved her voice already, when I only heard it for one second.

That was the end of that dream.


By the end of the week I had dreamt of this girl multiple times. I never talked though, I just listened to her little words she would say, I could tell she was nervous. Or like, I could tell she was having a hard time talking? I'm not sure.

This is what started my theory. This girl seemed real. Was communicating with me through dreams? I wanted answers now.

"Hey Betty, you know dream girl I've been telling you about?" I asked Betty as the two of us walked to my car after school. We like to go to this music store in the middle of Manhatten.

"Yeah, did you have a new dream or something?" Betty asked, getting into the passenger seat.

"No, well, yeah, but the point is that uh...I have a theory. I think the girl im dreaming about is a real person." I said as I pulled the car out of the school parking lot.

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