Model Part 2

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Toni's POV

As Cheryl modeled for me I couldn't help but feel a bit turned on, especially because of the fact that she was modeling lingerie. Trust me, I was only turned on because I used to be with her, I'm not a creepy photographer who gets turned on by every woman that models for me. 

After a little while she went back to change into a different set of lingerie. When she did that I took a few minutes to take a few deep breathes and calm myself down, I needed to stay professional. I was looking at some of the photos I shot when Cheryl walked back in. Now she was wearing this really sexy red lingerie that showed more of her skin. 

We got started and I got really stunning photos of her, she was perfect, and the way she modeled was also perfect. After a few more outfit changes and a million photos later, we were done. Cheryl went back to the changing room and I started talking with the manager about when the photos would be ready.

I was putting my camera equipment away when Cheryl walked out of the changing area. She walked past me, which made me feel a little sad. 

"Hey Cheryl, wait." I said, quickly putting the last of my equipment in my backpack before getting up and walking towards her. Cheryl turned to look at me as I walked up to her. 

"What's up Toni?" Cheryl replied, looking me up and down. 

"I didn't expect to see you today... you look good." I smiled slightly. 

"I mean it was bound to happen at some point, you taking a job that I was modeling for. And thanks." Cheryl said, crossing her arms. 

"I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go catch up, as friends of course." I asked, hoping that she would say yes. I just wanted to talk to her again, even if it turned into nothing more. 

"Sure. Although I'm surprised you aren't pissed at me still." Cheryl responded with a slight smirk. 

"It was 8 years ago Cheryl, I'm not mad at you anymore, just wish things never ended." I said with a small smile. 

"I have plans today but we can catch up a different day, how does tomorrow sound?" Cheryl smiled, opening the door for me as we walked into the parking lot.

"Sure, yeah, that works for me. I uh- got to go edit those pictures of you anyways..." I replied, scratching the back of my neck. 

"I see. Try not to get too excited over those photos Topaz." Cheryl smirked getting into her car and starting it. 

She drove away leaving me dazed and in shock of what she said. 8 years later and she still knew how to get me feeling this certain way. 


The next morning I woke up to a text on my phone that read Pete's Café, 11 AM sharp- Cheryl.

I jumped out of bed and looked at my bedside clock. Fuck, it was 10:30. Pete's Café was only 10 minutes away from me so I had 20 minutes to get ready. I quickly put on a black shirt with a blue flannel and some light blue jeans. I brushed my teeth and washed my face before putting vanilla perfume on and heading out. 

I quickly rode my motorcycle to Pete's and made it there at 10:55. I got inside and saw Cheryl sitting at a table in the corner, reading a small menu. I stood and just admired her beauty for a few seconds until she looked up from the menu and made eye contact with me. I felt myself blush as she gave me a small smile and signaled me to walk towards her. 

I walked over and sat across from her. 

"Hey Cher." I smiled, looking into her beautiful eyes.

"Toni," Cheryl smiled back as a waiter set down two coffees on the table. She slide one towards me, "I remembered your order." 

I took a sip and nodded, "Perfect," I smiled. 

"So when do you work next?" Cheryl asked me as she added more creamer to her coffee.

"Uh, tomorrow, I think its actually for you again, why?" I asked.

"Yeah that's why, I was wondering if you were shooting me again." Cheryl smiled as a small red blush appeared on her cheeks. 

"You are even more beautiful now then you were in highschool." 

"God I've missed you." Cheryl replied, taking a deep breath.

"I've missed you too." I said, reaching over the table and grabbing her hand, she didn't pull back. 

For the remainder of that catchup we held hands as we updated each other on what had been going on with our lives lately. I told her about Fangs, about my ex, and about how my career was going. She told me about Kevin and her parents. After that we decided to part ways for the day, as I had some editing to finish up.

We both went home with excitement for tomorrow. 


Cheryl's POV

The morning after Toni and caught up, I woke up with a smile on my face. I was excited to see her again. Breaking up with her had been the biggest mistake that I had ever made. I took a nice long shower with a ton of thoughts running through my head, as I got ready for work.

I went into work earlier and go my makeup done. Today I was modeling a summer swim suit line.

When it was time to start shooting I put on my first swim suit, I two-piece red suit. It was truly a stunning swim suit to wear and I looked hot. 

I walked out and made eye contact with Toni. I could instantly shift her whole mood change as she smiled at me. The tension between the two of us was growing and honestly I just wanted to get out of here with her. 

I posed for her as she took pictures and then I went in the back to change outfits. 

After a few outfit changes my section was done and now it was time for her to shoot other models. I sat on a bench behind her as she was taking pictures of the other models. It was fun watching her work. She was adorable when she was focused.

After another hour the photo shoot was finally done and we were free to leave the studio.

Toni and I walked out together and stopped in front of her motorcycle.

"What now?" Toni asked, holding her hand out, waiting for me to grab it.

I held her hand, "Why don't we give our relationship a chance again? Seeing you has just made me want to get right into it with you again." I replied, swinging our hands around. 

"I can get on board with that." Toni replied wrapping her arms around my waist as she leaned in to kiss me.

"Woah there, not so fast." I chuckled, giving her a little peck. She looked at me a little puzzled but with a smile and big blush on her face.

"As much as I just want to kiss you and do...some other things with you, we should take this slow, start fresh." I said.

"That's fine, its just hard after seeing how beautiful you were today and a few days ago." Toni chuckled, hugging me.

"I know but you'll be okay." I laughed, pulling away from her and grabbing her helmet, putting it on. 

"We going for a ride or what?" I asked, raising my eyebrow at her.

"Lets get out of here." Toni smiled, getting on the bike. 

I got on behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist as she started the bike. 

Sorry the second part wasn't the best. I got a bit of writers block with this one. Never the less I hope you still enjoyed it. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2023 ⏰

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