Christmas Surprise

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"TT wake up!!!" Cheryl shouted excitedly as she kissed her wife's cheek. Toni groaned and rolled over, putting her face into her pillow.

"Toniiii." Cheryl whined.

"Cheryllll." Toni chuckled and rolled back over, Cheryl now next to Toni.

"Morning beautiful." Cheryl mumbled as the two kissed for a few seconds.

"Why are you up early?" Toni said as the two pulled away, the sun was just coming up, "and why did you wake me up so early?" Toni chuckled, rubbing her eyes.

"Because, its Christmas Eve." Cheryl giggled and kissed Toni's cheek as Toni pulled Cheryl on top of her.

"And...? We never wake up this early on Christmas Eve." Toni smiled, as Cheryl straddled her and she put her hands on Cheryl's waist.

"Oh TT, remember? We have to meet Veronica at Pops, at 8, and then drive to her lodge. We're staying there for the week, remember?" Cheryl chuckled. Toni smiled and leaned up, kissing Cheryl's cheek before lying back down.

"Well then..." Toni trailed, checking her phone, "It's 6:23 so that gives me at least another hour of sleep." Toni smiled, causing Cheryl to roll her eyes.

"But Toni-"

"Sleep, I need my beauty sleep." Toni smiled as she softly pushed Cheryl off of her and rolled onto her side, closing her eyes. Cheryl huffed and got up out of the bed.

"What if we took a shower?" Cheryl said, Toni opened her eyes and raised her eyebrow.

"Together." Cheryl smiled, as she walked into the bathroom.

"I'm up!" Toni leaped out of the bed and walked into the bathroom.

7:45 AM

"Toni!" Cheryl shouted, leaning into the car trunk.

"I'm right here." Toni said, causing Cheryl to jump a bit.

"God damn, how are you so quiet in snow?!" Cheryl laughed a little as she looked at her wife.

"Uhhhh, I'm small." Toni chuckled, "What do you need?"

"Can you go grab the last of the presents?" Cheryl smiled, wiping a piece of hair out of her face.

"Sure honey cakes." Toni said in a high pitched voice before turning around and running inside.

"Toni! No weird nicknames, you know I don't like it!" Cheryl called out, shaking her head. She left the trunk open and got in the passengers seat. Toni walked back outside with the rest of the presents and put them in the trunk before getting into the drivers seat.

Toni started the car and then drove the 15 minutes to Pops.

"Hey Cher?" Toni said as she stopped the car, in the Pops parking lot.


"Uh, how are you feeling, you know since the doctors?" Toni asked, putting her hand on Cheryl's thigh.

"Are you asking if I'm getting any signs that I'm pregnant?" Cheryl smiled, Toni nodded with a small smile.

"I just like, really want to know." Toni smiled bigger.

"Well, no, not yet TT." Cheryl sighed, grabbing Toni's hand.

"But its been 3 weeks..." Toni sighed.

"I know TT, but hey, maybe we'll be lucky this time and the signs are just late." Cheryl smiled a bit, stroking her thumb over Toni's palm.

"I just don't want another failed try." Toni looked at Cheryl.

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