Kingdom (Cersei)

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I watch with blurry eyes as The Mountain tore my brother in half by his own hands. The crowd roaring with glee as the giant man throw my brother's corpses to the side. Cersei's face is smug as she looks at me.

Her right hand snakes to my waist and pulls me against her. I can barely catch my breath after watching my brother died in a horrific death. She never loosens her hold and I wipe away the tears but they never cease to fall.

I bury my head on her shoulders and I cried while she embrace me tightly. I didn't saw her triumphant face. She whispers sweet murmurs into my ears, promising me all her love that I don't want, that she wants to marry me which I loathe.

She guides me back to our chamber and I sit down on the bed, tears have dried on my face and I just want to curl and sleep.

"I want you to take a bath with me and after that, we will sleep."

"Love?" Her face is in front of me and I blink in surprise, and I just nodded. "Good girl, now come." I strip off my clothes and Cersei never did once blink, looking at me intensely. I ignore her, I'm too numb to deal with it.

The bath is as huge as her room, adorned in onyx and marble and gold. It smells like musk, like a very rough sex smell floating in the air. I gagged but she just smiles and took of her garb and my eyes widen. 

Her taut muscles are displayed and I avert my eyes to the side, but I hear her snicker, I submerged myself on the water, only my nose and head showing up, and I occupied the other end. Cersei is doing something on the bath and I close my eyes.

"Scoot over a little." I look up to her and I  move myself forward. Once she's in the water, she grabs my waist gently this time and made me lean on her. 

"It was Jaimie who did it, I'm sorry my love. But you are safe with me and no once can touch you." She puts her head on my shoulder, her breath very warm on my body.

Her hands starts to roam and my body tense up. I pull her hand away from and I stand up, looking at her with venomous contempt.

"Jamie my arse. I will marry you Cersei, I will give you my body and my soul. But mark my words, when everything will be going against you, don't look at me because I will never be there for you."

"If that's how I can feel a little bit of real warm and attention, so be it."

My eyes widened in surprise, I know how fucked up their bloodline is but I never thought she will not behead me for my act of treason.

"I'm tired of this, tired of everyone looking at me like a monster. Is it wrong for me to ask love in the way I know how?" She whispers the last part but I can hear her perfectly. She looks at me and the great Cersei is crying in front of me.

She gets up and slowly kneels in front of me. Her eyes full of turmoil and heartache, and I can see how much it hurts to swallow her pride.

"Please give me a chance and an ounce of love (y/n)." Tears streaming down on her face as she looks at me. Something squeezes my heart, because even tho she is a monster, she's still human.

God this sucks but I want to get on track again. Hey guys, hows your Easter? Drop any questions, suggestions or if you want to talk about something.

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