(RWBY) Winter Schnee

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Your POV

"Glynda, can i take a day off? Im just tired and all", i asked the witch and she just nodded.
"Sure. You really need it. After all, with what happ-", i didnt let her finish and just walked outside the academy.

Goodwitch and her big mouthed. No wonder shes still single. I continued walking towards the exit when i noticed a bullhead landed with Atlas soldiers. Then the drunken master Qrow appeared and challenged a white haired woman who looks like a high ranking official. Then i saw Ruby and Weiss and the people who gathered shouting encouragement to the two when i noticed a bullet speeding towards me when i catched it in my hand. Then Ozpin appeared with Glynda.

"Nice catch (name)", Qrow said and he disappeared while a grumpy Glynda was fixing the damages when the white haired woman approached me.
"Nice reflexes babe, I am Winter Schnee, Capt and under the jurisdiction of General Ironwood."(a/n:just correct me if im wrong about Winters ranking)

"Babe???!!!!!" Weiss screeched and they all looked shocked, thank God the people left. Leaving only Glynda, Ozpin, Ruby and Weiss.

"I didnt said such thing", Winter said indignantly while looking at me with a please-forgive-me-i-didnt-mean-to-slip look, while you just remained standing saying nothing.

"(Name), please tell me youre not dating my sister", Weiss said while looking at us back and forth.
"Is there a problem?", i retort.
"Awwwwwwww, Weiss its so sweet!!!", Ruby said while hugging the pretty snowflake that made her blush.

"So (name), this is the reason while you look so exhausted, hmmm," Glynda said coyly.
"Shut up Glyn, im tired from a mission"
"But you have a lot of hickeys in your neck and to be honest, when i saw you changed into your huntress attire, man, you are littered with it, especially your inner thighs," and boom, she dropped the bombed that left all of us speechless.
"Hey, you were peepin on me, oh my gosh, really Glyn?" I then guffawed but i saw Winter glaring daggers at her then she smiled at me.
"(Name), remember that im your supervisor so I followed you and then i saw how Winter has ravaged you. Well im out of here." She then dragged the two bewildered students.

"Sorry babe", Winter said quietly."
"Dont be, never be sorry. Im just tickled you slipped with your words" i then kissed her forehead that made her smile.

"What brought you here as far as i know, you have your dream 1 month leave starting today", i ask her.
"Well i have a last minute arrangement that i need to attend to and Ironwood have me escorted and i want to see Weiss and how shes faring", she explained.

Winter POV

I saw (name) pouting then she look at me blankly.
"Youre thinking that i forgot you after what happened last night. Wrong (name) i came here mainly to get you packing to come with me", I said to her and she beamed and gave me one of her rare smile.

"Gorgeous, can we rest for a while? Honestly, i would like to limp but i cant and im so exhausted", she pleaded and I said yes.

"Of course love, cmon, i will have one of my soldier to pack and then we will go to Menagerie for a vacation."
"Awww, thanks babe, can we eat something? Im hungry", she asked and we walked towards a restuarant near the scool.

Be ready (name), you will probably not be able to walk for days once Im done with you, I thought

Author chan here, i think im making a part two. Dont hesitate to critique and dm your request. Just no plain rudeness. Also, dont forget to comment, like and share. Marj signing out

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