Mikasa Ackerman

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I am being called in the Commander's office, and as I walk towards his office, I see that Captain Hanji is ahead of me and then looks back to me and smiles. She opens the door and beckons me inside. Levi and Erwin are engage in a serious conversation and doesn't acknowledged the two of us. 

I saluted and Erwin looks at me and gestures me to sit down. 

"Cadet (y/n), you are being called her because Hanji requested for you to be in her squad and to be promoted as a Lieutenant." I just gape in front of Erwin, I really don't know what to say.

"You deserve it brat, after you took down 23 titans and defend the east wall by yourself." Levi said and I remembered the fear, fear for the people that if I can't defend that east part. Imagine the pain of seeing your loved ones get eaten or squashed down.

"So you will be on my team now, my second in command (y/n)-chan" Hanji then hug me so I tight that I gasp for air, that's when the door opened and Mikasa and Armin stumbles inside.

"(y/n)! Wh-what are you doing here?" Armin ask as I am still in Hanji's arms. Mikasa looking at Hanji and me as if she's gonna murder us any minute.

"Yes Arlert, she is my second in command starting tomorrow." Then she sat down and making me sit in her lap but then I'm pulled on to my feet and pulled into a pair of very strong arms.

"Yeeeeeeeee! My hypothesis is true Levi, Erwin! Mikasa and (Y/n) are couples!" 

Armin looks at around at all of us, as if we have grown second heads. Then the truth hit him.

"Eh!? But I like you (y/n)!" Mikasa push me behind her back and we sense a deadly coming aura from her.

"No, she's mine."

Then she knock Armin with a right hook. Knocking out the blond coconut down. 

"Hey stop Miki! He didn't mean it. Right everyone?" Hanji just creepily smiles and wiggling in her seat while Levi and Erwin looks unimpressed.

"He likes you, I dont want anyone to bother us. You're mine." She then drags me outside, while I look back at Armin with pitiful look. 

When we get outside, Mikasa drag me towards the house that serves as our barracks. When we are inside, everyone is in there eating dinner. They look at us and they stand up and go outside. 

Then after that, she still drags me to our bedroom and when the door is shut she throw me on the bed. Then she pull off her shirt, making me redder than tomato. Her body is sculpted by the gods and I look like a potato compared to her.

She then pull me to her and gives me a bruising kiss that made me turn my head. She bites down on my collarbone, I moan out load then she tear my button up shirt and throw it away. 

"Mi-miki, there are alot of people outside." I said embarrassingly while she unclasp my bra.

"You're mine, and Armin shouldn't have said that." She then kiss my left bud and played with my right one. I feel like a waterfall down there. Mikasa really knows how to please me. She continued giving me an open mouth kisses until she bite my inner thigh hard.

"Mi-miki~please do it."

She looks at me, smirking, making me squirm from how hot I'm feeling. I want her long, and talented fingers inside me. 

"Hey brats! Armin hasn't wake up yet!"

We hear Levi yell outside our room. Making me groan and Mikasa. We both dress up and she open the door.

"Stop being so noisy, tell that to my sister (y/n). Good night."

Fuck me, Levi outed himself that he's my step brother, it means that he's serious in hurting Mikasa if something happened to me.

We just cuddle the entire night even though I'm horny and feel so bothered.

Then Mikasa suck on my neck. I'm so gonna be limping on the next few days.

May the gods wake Armin up.

I'm gonna leave it to your imagination. Lol

Here's a photo of our other best girl. General Esdeath. Waifu.


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