Sarah Lance

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"Would you do it (y/n)? Please?" Ray ask me, half begging, to help him repair the part of Waverider when we landed on the Crutacaeous period, a part that I can barely pronounce.

"Nope, shes not Ray, shes gonna stay here with me." Sarah appears and her arm automatically grabs my waist and glares at him.

"Its okay Sarah, Amaya and Nate are coming as well. We will be fine."

"Yes!" Ray pump his fist.

"Nope. Youre staying here with me. Period. If I hear that you went with them, it means you dont love me anymore." She then gives me a peck and leaves us Ray, making him confused as to what happened.

"Shes not serious is she?" He ask. The comms comes to life.

"Im very serious Mr. Palmer. You know what, if my baby goes with you guys, Im gonna murder you all in your sleep."

Everyone groans, then Prof Stein makes his way to her.

"Ms. Lance, I dont want to meddle but (y/n) is also needed, she is not a mechanic, or a pilot but she can help. Please let her come with them."

"Are you calling her useless Professor?"

"N-no, not at all. The point is she will be safe as she got Amaya, Ray and Nate."

"Please Sarah, I want to help." I said to the comms, as Jax use his psychic half to eavesdrop on them.

I hear a sigh and sure enough she relents.

Jax, Ray and the rest of the gang left and I walk towards our shared room with Sarah to prepare when she sees me. We walk inside the room and Im pulled into a hot searing kiss which lasted forever.

"Take some warm clothes and please be careful. Keep your comms open all the time, and stay with the group." She said and I nodded, preparing my backpack as Ray insisted. I packed a lot of food and drinks. Sarah is watching me like a hawk, helping me now and then. Once Im done, she personally escorted me to the cargo bay where theyre waiting.

"Guys, keep her safe, remember what I said about murdering in your sleep." She gives me a peck and goes back inside.

"Sorry guys, I promise nothing will happen." They chuckles and Amaya grabs my arm, shes taken to herself that I will be safe. Nate looks at Ray who replies with a shrug.

After a long frosty walk, we neared to forest of giant fauna, I mean trees. Nate almost pissed himself when a giant boa came down. Then Ray found the lacking piece, in the middle of the nest.

"We can take it Ray, cmon." He remain still, pale and swallows.

"We cant. Thats Gertrude's nest. The T-rex I told you guys."

As if summoned, we hear the roar coming towards us, which made us run like hell. Ray dragging me when Gertie stumbles upon us. Amaya calmly summons a soul of a T-rex on her Totem, it worked before, but then a male comes. Nate turns to steel and Ray hid me behind his back.

"Oh God, we are so screwed."

"Baby, are you okay?" I hear Sarah ask over the comms.

"Yea, we are fine. Oh shit, Amaya, duck!"

"Whats happen-" I turn off my comms and I saw Nate, Ray and Amaya flying towards the trees. While Gertie is running away, the male whom I named Owen looks at me, opening his maw.

"(Y/n)!! No, run!" Ray scream, then I punch Owen, sending him back good for like 20 feet. I fly towards him and punch him again, making the big lizard run. I fly past a running Gertie and fly faster towards her nest. Picking up the desi-something i dont know and flying back to the group.

"Wait, you can fly?" Ray asked me as we are walking back, him carrying the part. Nate and Amaya being lovey dovey at our back. Ray is like a brother to me, so I told him everything that Im a Kryptonian, younger sister of Kara and called as (h/n).

"Does Sarah know?" I shake my head, afraid what will happen.

We got to the ship, Nate and Amaya knows too, so they promise to keep it a secret but told me that the sooner I tell, the easier she forgives me.

She tackles me in a hug and fuss over me while Ray fix the ship and install the part outside.

"Hey baby, your shirt is in rags, what happened?" She ask me calmly, but her eyes are storm awaiting the wrath. I made up an excuse, she said okay and drag me to our room and gestures me to shower.

After I wear a comfortable shirt that Sarah prepared, I went out and as Im going towards the kitchen I hear shouting and saw Ray flying towards me, so I grab his shirt before he falls down. Then I saw Sarah throw a dagger at him, everything is in slowmo, so I calmly shielded him.

"Huh, I thought what Gideon said that there is a Kryptonian aboard in the ship." She stomped away, Ray gasping for breath.

"Are you okay?" He nodded and told me to get my girl. I run towards the cockpit but shes not there, or any room at all.

"Gideon, where is Captain Lance?"

"She is in the gym, punching her way through the robots."

I said my thanks and I hover towards the training room and sure enough, she hits my jaw. Making me drop. It doesnt hurt but her fist is bleeding, her looking murderously at me.

"Explain now, or God forbid Im gonna hurt you so much Kryptonian."

I told her everything that since the Legion of Doom has started to send in some power players towards them, the Justice League sent me to help the Legends sooner than later, an A-lister villian will hit them, and as a junior member, they sent me to help them. But so far, they were able to get themselves bailed out, except for Snart.

"So, the part of you loving me, is it true?" Her bleeding hand cupping my cheeks, her face shows worry, sadness and hope.

"Im so inlove with you Sarah Lance, if you still love me, that would be great."

She slam her lips to me, her bleeding hand holding my nape and pulling me towards her, she taps my leg and even though Im a Kryptonian, Im short. Thats why Kara was furious in JSL as she and Alex are overprotective at me.

"Well congrats you guys kissing and making up." Ray said loudly and I stop kissing back, embarassed but Sarah kisses me again and locking the training room door.

"Gideon, where is Ms. Lance as we need to get back on the track." Prof Stein said.

"Engaging auto pilot mode Professor, Captain Lance is busy at the moment."

Guys guys, thank you for the reads and the votes! Love you all. Please stay safe, as the virus is mutating, having a new strain now.

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