(Overwatch) Ashe (Part 1)

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Your POV

"Bastet, do you copy?" Jesse asked
"Loud and clear Whiskey. Im on position" and then i ready my trigger happy finger in my sniper. Im currently with Mcree, we are going to get Echo who is being picked up by the Deadlock Gang.

"Okay, you know the drill, if shit hits the fan. Cover me" he said and we both chuckled.
"You know I dont miss right? I even hit and outsmarted the infamous Widowmaker. I didnt become Commander Amari's protegè for nothing Mcree."

"I forgot about that"
"Mcree, you ass" and we both laughed. Then he signal me to be quiet as he is approaching the payload. And boy, those gang members are like ants on a fallen sweets.

"Do you see Ashe?"
"Roger that. Dont worry, I got your back cowboy"

Ashe POV

"Jesse Mcree, been awhile. You promised you'd write" Im suprised to see him, and he still look so tall and confident.
"Well Ashe, Ive been pretty busy" he said while taking his time lighting his cigar.
"We're pretty busy among ourselves. Its awful incovenient you showing up today"
"Well Ashe, you never shy away from a good tip"
"Hey, we worked hard for this score. You best move on now" my patience is running thin. I cocked my Viper and aim at him.

"It doesnt have to be this way Ashe. All I need is that crate. Everything else is yours"

"This crate? B.OB!" my butler opened it up and im curious as to what it is.
"Well well, you got my attention. What is it?" I asked again.

"Its non ya business" was the last thing he said before we heard multiple gunshots.

Your POV

"Mcree, get outta there. Hurry!" I then opened fire again.
"What the hell 's goin' on?" He shouted while they are looking confused.
"Im seeing Talon agents coming our way. Theyre here for Echo. You all take cover. Im going to distract them and you get her. Hurry!" I then suddenly camouflage with the surroudings and my sniper has a silencer that I activated. I jumped out where Im hiding and I saw Ashe starting the payload and her gang are ridin' in style.

She shot down several members of Talon along with her gang.

B.O.B activated his multiple guns, giving them cover. While I blink towards their location and searching for Mcree, whom I see riding with Ashe as well.

Yes, you read it right. I can blink like Lena, and I am a mean shot. Thats why Commander Amari took me in and trained me well. Turning me into the fearsome Bastet and her partner

"Ashe, make the payload go on faster!" Mcree shouted while Ashe just followed the order.

"Mcree, go! I got this" I told him and I took down 10 enemies right away when I saw Reaper turning into his wraith form towards them. I quickly shot his mask, which just remains solid in this form. He transformed back to human and is bleeding profusely.

But they didnt notice a particular Hacker. Its too late. The payload exploded but I knew Echo is safe. Ashe

I quickly went to their side and I saw them bleeding out. Ashe is knocked out cold and bleeding in her side while Mcree and the rest of the gang are in the same condition. Sombra tried to hack Echo when i shot her in the head, quickly killing her.

"Angela, we need an immediate medivac and make it two. Tell Brigitte and Torbjorn that they need to fix this huge omnic butler. Stat!"
"Copy (name)"
"Okay, ETA(estimated time of arrival)?"
"Be there in 30 mins".
"Copy that"

I quickly pulled up some bionic injection and give them shots to lessen the bleeding and the pain. I notice Ashe stirring.
"Wha-who are you?" She ask, still in daze.
"Bastet. Dont move too much. How are ya feeling?"
"Feels like shit" she then looks at her surrounding, the payload stopped moving, B.O.B dismantled, Mcree started to wake up and her gang.

Then we saw the airships sent by Overwatch. Mercy, Tracer and Zarya got out along with other soldier. They immediately loaded them all in the ship.

Timeskip as this is longer than i thought

Ashe POV

Overwatch did a pretty banged up job in fixing us. We feel alright right away. No wonder Mcree worked for them, for a military organization they are sure looking elegant in their uniforms. I heard a knock and I saw Mcree entered with that Dr. Zeigler.
"Ashe, good thing youre awake. How are you feeling?" The Swiss ask
"Im fine, we need to go home" I snarled at her and Jesse looks like he wants to shoot me.
"I'll take care of this Mercy. Thank you" he dismissed and Angela just nodded and went out.

"You could at least show some gratitude woman" he said tersely. Pulling a chair she showed me a picture .
"So you know her?" He asked and gave me the picture while I didnt say anything.
"Do you know what happened to her before Ashe?" He asked again and I cant hold my tears anymore. I broke down and he looked at me worriedly.

"Shes (fullname), she was my right hand in the gang. Shes a sharpshooter, she-she was the fuckin love of my life Mcree, until a deal went wrong. She, she settled the fight while i beg her not to. She fought the police and sheriffs while she let us escape. Goddamit!!! Why do you want to know, I beg you Jesse, dont do this. I c-cant. Im tryna forget her" this time i just cried and he hug me while I pour out my emotions. Elizabeth Caledonia Ashe doesnt beg, but this time, she did.

"I wanna show you something Ashe, follow me" he said and I just look at him suspiciously.
"Where? You gotta do better than tryna murder me Mcree"
"Now is not the time. Cmon, and you can keep the photo" he then dragged me towards a maze of hallways, seeings soldiers eating, working out and then we arrive at a shooting range.

"Mcree, what do you want to show me? How bad is their aim?" I asked sarcastically. He gave me my Viper and as I start to aim.
"Goodmorning cowboy."
I dropped my gun when I heard that voice that haunted me for the rest of my life. I slowly turn my head back and I saw her! Jesse is smiling mischievously
"Why did you call me here? Its my day off y'know"
He just walked out leaving me and her

Part 2 will be uploaded tomorrow as im working on other request. I know its long and bad but hey, the more we write the better it will be.

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