Azula Part 7

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Okay, so you guys want to give her a chance, here we go. Damn, not gonna lie, I want to make an Azula x femReader Fanfic.

I look back at her, shes still looking at me, a little bit hopeful.  The three of us looks at each other, then they both nodded at me. I walk up to Azula and I can see fatigue with hope on her eyes. She stands up, behind me, not far from us, Zuko and Katara watch the exchange.

"You came back." She said, then I punch her lights out. I carried her over my shoulders. She is heavy so I stagger towards the duo then Zuko picks up her sister and slung her on his shoulder.

We hide between the castle walls then we run towards the field, then I see Sokka. Toph, Aang and Suki are in the summer home of the royal fire nut family. We quickly pile up on Apa and we yipyip the fuck away from there.

When we are airborne, Sokka finally snaps.

"Why did you bring her?" She looks at the three of us while Azula is sleeping on the middle of us.

"Sokka, my sister suffered enough. She doesnt want any this, but since I betrayed my father, she has to shoulder the pressure, ten times that was given to me." Zuko pleaded and he looks at me, asking for a confirmation.

"Katara, youre the sensible one here. I cant believe you brought the enemy right to us. Do you know that her crazy allies will come to us and then tries to annihilate us."

"Sokka, how do you feel about Suki?" I ask him. Im seething inside but he has the reason to be worried as he takes the father figure seriously.

"What does it have to do with me and Suki?"

"Just answer me, damn it Sokka!"

He looks at me seriously then he opens his mouth but close it again.

"Fine, but if she dares lays a hand or tries to harm us, even if she thinks about it, we are gonna make her suffer. She killed Aang (y/n), because she can."

"Wrong, Sokka, cant you see it? Youre so dense sometimes, shes inlove with (y/n)." Katara said exasperatedly. Then Sokka ponders for a moment then his eyes widen.

"When (y/n) is with us, Azula is there. She hold Aang as a hostage to get her. Everytime shes with us, Azula is following us like a hound." Zuko said.

"Fine, star crossed lovers, keep her in check. Suki and Toph are not gonna be happy."

After a few hours, we arrived. Azula havent stirred, but her breathing is even. Shes just exhausted, as per Katara. Zuko carries her down.

"What is she doing here?" Suki ask, upset but Aang quiets us down.

We all went to our different rooms, Azula is being taken to my room with Katara in tow as she needs to heal her, as soon as the door closes, Katara told me that the team members would like to talk to me. I nodded and goes to the living room where there is a palpable tension.

Timeskip as meeting like these are boriiing.

After a very soul consuming and mind numbing discussion with the Avatar, everyone agreed to give Azula a chance, but it took a long time to convince Suki.

"She hurt the villagers and burned our Sacred Woods, do you think its that easy." Suki retorted when Aang told us that if we have a very powerful ally, we can certainly take down Ozi.

"How can we be so sure that she will not turn against us?"

"Because my loyalty lies with the woman Im inlove with."

We all look at the door, Azula and Katara are standing side by side. Azula smiles when she sees me, then she did something we didnt expect. She walks towards Aang, who is a little apprehensive, while the rest of us are alerted. The she kneels down with her head bowed down.

"Avatar Aang, I ask for forgiveness for all the deeds that I had done, I only wanted to be with the woman I love. I will do everything in my power to help you take down my father." All of us gasps, but Aang sat down beside Azula and said something inaudible which made her smile and stand up, looking at all of us.

"She will help us." Aang said, it seems it satisfy everyone....for now.

Then Azula looks at my direction, happiness in her eyes.

We know that Azula is a big softy inside, like Lin. So comment and vote. What character should I write next?

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