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Sam quickly came and hit the man holding Anna then started fighting the girl while Nastya helped Bucky

"Good to see you join the fight" Bucky yelled when Sam was thrown on top of the other truck

Just as a man was about to hit him, Steve's shield flew from the sky and when Annastasia looked up she saw John Walker

John helped the boy when Annastasia went to help Bucky as Steve's shield hit another man

"John Walker, Captain America" the Captain America-wanna-be said

"Lemar Hoskins" the other man said

The girl came back and was about to hit John when Anna kicked her hand and she fell

John threw Rogers' shield and Bucky caught it and handed it back to him

Sam tried to fly up but two men held him down so Anna jumped to him and helped him when in the fight Bucky fell and luckily managed to hold himself to the truck

Sam tried to help Bucky but the truck's driver went sideways and spotted him

Sam manger to help Bucky

Ana watched how they roll down the hill while she was stuck on the moving truck with John and Lemar

The blonde girl helped John to get back on the truck. They continued for a little while when they were all thrown on the ground


The car's horn honked and Annastasia jumped off

"Hey, you're alright" Bucky said and he kissed her

"That didn't go as planned" John said and opening the door when the three ignored him "at least we know what we're up against, and we are sure it's one of the Big Three so.."

"There is no such thing as wizards"

"Then it's aliens or androids"

"Or SS"

"Then we gotta work together"


"I think we stand a better chance if we all just.." John was about to say but Bucky interrupted him

"Just 'cause you carry that shield doesn't mean you're Captain America"

"I have done the work okay"

"You ever jump on top of a grenade"

"Yeah, four times...Look, it's 20 miles to the airport and you guys need a ride"


"So we got eight SS on a bulk supply run...why" John questioned once everyone was in the car

"They say their mission's to get things back to the way it was during the Blip, maybe they're trying to help"

"That's a funny way of showing it" James responded to Sam

"That serum doesn't exactly have a great track record" John told them "no offence"

" Могу я уже ударить его (Can I just punch him already)" Anna said to Bucky as she looked at John deadly

"Not now" he responded and Lemar and John shared a look

"How'd you track 'em here" Sam asked

"We tracked you, through Redwing" Lemar said

"You hacked my tech"

"It's not exactly hacking" Walker chuckled "it's government property"

Bucky did his staring thing

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