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The time Anna spent with Sam's family was amazing. She felt so peaceful like she was back in Wakanda where she wasn't involved in fighting or suffering

She helped Sam gather around some help and was now on the deck helping with everything she could

"Hey, look, word goes out the Wilson family needs help? We still got a big of usefulness in us" a man said

"How do we get it off the truck" Sam questioned

Then someone picked up the machine that was on the truck's back

"You're welcome" Bucky said "just dropping this off. You can sign for it and I'll go. I called in a favour from the Wakandans"

"Hi" Bucky greeted Sarah

"Hi" Sarah greeted back shyly

"Where did you got lost" Annastasia scolded Bucky once she walked to them

"Hey" he said

"Don't "hey" me you idiot" she said as she jumped on the boat and hugged him

"I'm sorry I left you, had to take care of Zemo" he responded and kissed her forehead

"It's alright" Nastya smiled

"So this is the boat" Bucky questioned as he put his hand on Anna's waist

"This is it"

"It's nice. Want any help?"

"Yeah" Sam told him and started walking as Anna following behind

"I'm Bucky" the man said

"Ah. Sarah"


"Is he serious" Anna told Sam and he shrugged

The next few hours the trio spent fixing the boat and to the blonde girl it was fun, she thought there might be chance for the two men to finally get along

The three quietly drank their beers while staring at the case Bucky gave Sam

"Well" Buck started talking as he stood up and grunted "gotta catch my flight tomorrow. Get a hotel room for the night. Crash, you know?"

"So you'll leave again, huh" Anna question

"And you'll just set me up like that?" questioned Sam

"I don't wanna make it weird for you family and I see that Annastasia's getting along with everyone here so.."

"Just stay here" told him Sam "the people in this town are the most welcoming in the world. They don't care if you wear small T-shirts or if you have six toes or if your mom's your aunt"

"Okay" Bucky chuckled "I get it. The people are nice"

"And so is Sam's sister" the blonde girl said and crossed her arms

"Man, don't flirt with my sister, you can't even take care of your girlfriend"


"Cause if you do, I'll have Carlos cut you up, feed you to the fish"


"I'll go with him" Anna said and walked after James


Anna and Bucky woke up to the sound of kids voice

"Hey" Barnes said to the kids playing with Steve's shield

They got scared and quickly left it then ran to their rooms

"Kids" the blue eyed girl laughed and buried her face in Bucky's neck cause she was sleeping on top of him

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