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Sam, Anna and Bucky were currently in a prison in Berlin to pay a visit to Zemo

A man spoke some German and led them to him

"I'm gonna go in alone" Bucky said as he looked at Anna and Sam

"Why" Sam asked

"You're an Avenger. You know how he feels about that"

"It's not like you two were known for frolickin' in the sun together"

"He was obsessed with HYDRA, we have a history together" Bucky said and walked where Zemo was

"So what's your history" Sam asked as he leaned on the wall

"What do you mean" Anna looked at him confused

"We're your parents always...you know...crazy"

"Oh no"

"Then what happened"

"I had an older brother. He was the golden boy of the family, always perfect while I was never wanted because they never planned on having a second child. I know, typical storyline. Then he got really sick and a month or two later he died"

"I am sorry"

"It's alright Sam. It's not like we were close. And so after that they got out of their minds and started praying like crazy for God to bring him back and shit like that. And so I tried my best to be like him but never could and I usually got punished for it. Then HYDRA appeared and you know everything since. I just...I feel like I met Evel when I was only a child" the girl sighed as she sat down "that's why when Buck has nightmares and asks what I did to not have them. I got through hell"

Sam was silent as he sat down next to her and nudged her arm "you're a hero, you know"

"I wish"

"How did Morrigan became your name"

"Well my mom thought it was fitting my killer self since I was always brave in most situations at home as a kid...like a worrier"


"I don't like what you're saying" Anna spoke to Bucky as she crossed her arms

"You're being too casual about this" Sam continued "where are we man"

The door opened and everyone looked at it when a man walked it

"What is he going here" Annastasia yelled as she walked towards Zemo but James stopped her "what the hell"

"I didn't want to tell you because I knew you wouldn't let this happen"

"What did you do" Sam questioned in surprised tone "he's going back to prison"

"If I may" Zemo tried to say something

"No" everyone yelled at him

"Apologies" he quietly said

"When Steve refused to sign the Sokovia Accords, you backed him" Bucky started ranting "you broke the law, and you stuck your neck out for me. Do it again"

"I really think I'm invaluable.." Zemo tried to say something again

"Shut up" Sam and Anna scolded him as they gave him a dead stare

"Okay" Sam agreed "if we do this, you don't make a move without our permission"

"Or I will break your spine" Annastasia threatened him

"Fair" Zemo said scaredly

"Where do we start"


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