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"I'm almost there" Sam spoke over the earbuds

"What's the plan" Bucky questioned as he looked around while walking to a building with Nastya

"Karli's gotta be close" Sam told them "keep your eyes open"

"She could be anywhere" the blonde girl spoke and looked around as well

"Sergeant Barnes, Miss Chekhov" an officer greeted them

"And by the way, I called some back up"

"Excuse me, sir" a man spoke to the them "are you two supposed to be here"

The couple turned around and saw it's Sharon

"Sharon, what the hell are you doing here" Anna asked confused

"Relax, no one's looking for me here" she told them

"Is that Sharon" Sam questioned

"Unfortunately" Bucky replied

"Hey, Sam. I thought I'd get the band back together" the other blonde said

"Thank you, you're risking a lot coming here"

"I hear pardons aren't all they're cracked up to be anyway"

"Depends on the therapist" Bucky told Sharon

"They'll move on the building soon, be ready" Sam warned them all


"Don't let them out of the building" Sam told them as they walked in the building

The three walked through a metal detector and as soon as Bucky went through it started beeping

"You can't even walk through a metal detector" Nastya joked

"Not the time" Bucky scolded her


"Here's of them" the man spoke and pointed to another man with a gun

"We'll get the evac" Annastia told Sharon and she and Bucky ran in the other direction

"Mr Barnes, Miss Chekhov" a woman stopped them "it's Karli" and handed her the phone

Anna took the phone and put it on speaker then handed it to James

"Karli?" Bucky spoke

"Aren't you tired of fighting for the wrong side?"

"I've done this before, kid" Barnes scoffed "I know how it ends"

"It doesn't matter if I don't survive this. I'm fighting for something bigger than myself. With all the bodies you've collected, have you been able to say the same?"

"You don't think we ever fought for something bigger than ourselves" the blue eyed girl questioned

"That's all we ever try to do. And I failed, twice" Bucky continued "you think your cause justifies all this death, but in the end, the nightmares won't go away. You are gonna remember all the once you killed. Trust me"

"Karli, don't do this" Annastasia added as she and Bucky sounded like parents convincing their child into something impossible

"Don't go down this path"

"If that's how you feel, you should sit this one out"

"You know we ain't gonna go that"

"Well, thank you. I'm glad you took my call. You've been a big help"

"Damn it" Buck groaned and she and Anna ran away


"Seriously, guys, you had one job"

"You worry about your guy" Bucky replied to Sharon and started the engine of a motorcycle then Nastya jumped on the back and held his waist

"Get out of the way" the girl yelled to the officers in from the motor "you know what Buck"

"What Nastya"

"If the circumstances were other this ride would have been really sexy, not that it isn't" she told him as she rubbed his shoulders

"Don't distract me please"

"I don't wanna be a bitch, but you are really boring"

"We have something to do Anna"

"Alright, alright"

"Hold on" the man said as he hit the breaks and the two flew in the sky

While James was busy fighting the girl saw that Karli and her followers set a truck on fire and she ran there to help

"Hold tight" she yelled and pulled the door with every strength in her body "come on you piece of shit" she yelled again in frustration

"Need help" James said when he joined her

"Show me what that metal arm does baby"

"Why are you constantly in this kind of mood"

"James Buchanan Barnes, I am not always "in this kind of mood", you're just hot" the two argued while pulling the truck's door

"Morgenthau" Walker yelled out of nowhere "let's finish this"

And while there was a fight between the Flag Smashers and Walker going on, the couple was still trying to open the truck

Bucky was hitting the lock with his metal arm but it was no use while Annastasia was still pulling it

"What if we kick it inward" she suggested

"That...won't...help" the man replied after every hit "okay, start pulling"

"Was I pushing this whole time" she replied and pulled the door then the two finally opened it "go, go, go"

"Thank you for saving us" a man said and shook Bucky's arm

"You're welcome"

He felt great hearing those words

Buck hit Dovich in attempt to save Walker from being killed

After a little bit Bucky fell from the place they were on and Anna ran to the edge only to see him on one knee and sighed in relief then jumped down to him

"Watch out" Anna yelled and pushed Bucky to try and save him from a falling truck then put her hands on her head and waited the truck that was caught onto the structure

"How brave" Bucky smiled from the ground and Anna helped him up when they saw a broken replica of Steve's shield and that the truck was being pulled

But after seconds it started to fall again and John along with a few Flag Smashers fell on the ground

Just as the truck started falling Sam, of course, came to the rescue

"Go Captain Bird, go" Anna joked

"Shut up Anna, shut up" Bucky told her and helped John to get up

Karli threw a small metal tube at Bucky in attempt to hurt him but unluckily for her, he caught it. The girl ran towards the brunette man when Sam threw the shield at her and her followers and they all fell on the ground

Karli stood up and talked "you of all people bought into that bullshit?"

"I'm trying something different. Maybe you should do the same"

And explosion were made and a gas spread around

People were screaming all over the place

Just before he could loose sight, James pulled Anna into a hug and kept her there not knowing what's going on

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