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John Walker ran away after his scene and the trio quickly followed him into an empty garage

"You guys should see a medic, you don't look so good" the man told them

"Stop, Walker" Sam angrily said

"You saw what happened. You know what I had to do" Walker tried to defend himself and started yelling "I killed him because I had to! He killed Lemar!"

"He didn't do it, John" Bucky spoke "don't go down that road. Believe me, it doesn't end well"

"I'm not like you"

"It was the heat of battle, okay?" Sam spoke calmly "if you explain what happened, they may consider your record. We don't want anyone else to get hurt"

"John, you have to give Sam the shield" Nastya softly told him and got a little closer to him

John looked at her as if he was gonna kill her "So that's what this is" he said and Bucky pulled Anna away from him "you almost got me"

"You made a mistake" Sam shrugged

"You don't wanna do this" the blonde man threatened them

"We do" Bucky looked at him

The trio attacked John and he managed to kick Sam on the ground and was about to hit Bucky's face when Anna stroke his hand with her foot. Sam got up and hit his other hand with his wings when Bucky stood up and almost punched John while the he hit him back with his shield and almost punched Sam's knees when he jumped. Nastya jumped on Walkers back until Walker threw her down on her back. After a little bit he tossed James into a column and he passed out. Sam then came to the rescue when John ripped his wings off. Nastya tried to help but she was also tossed away when she hit her head hard and was now laying next to Bucky

The brunette man got up on his feet and pushed John just before he decapitated Sam. The two rolled down and when they got back up Bucky punched Walker's face a few times. He then kicked his leg and Walker fell down when he punched Buck's stomach and he also kneeled. Sam went to help Bucky and he finally toile the shield

"It's mine" Walker said

"It's over John" Sam told him

"It's mine" he yelled again and ran to Bucky when Nastya hit his head with a metal tube John passed out


"The GRC's conducting raids to try and find Karli, so far they've found her followers" Sam informed them "they've searched this camp and just like the last, nothing"

"We'll never find her" Nastya sighed

"Hey, you are alive" Torres said and pointed Nastya "I see you got your sleeve back"

Bucky started walking to the door when Sam questioned him "are you off to take care of Zemo"

He only looked at him and walked away

"Wait for me" Nastya yelled and jumped off the table she was sitting on

Bucky put his hand in the middle of her chest to stop her and started walking to the door again

"Buck" the girl walked with him one more time

"Just.." he pushed her again and walked out of the room

The girl walked to Sam "did I do something I am not aware of"

"I don't think so" he said and she sat in the table again

"What's our next step, Torres"

"Cap killing a foreign national in public" Torres informed "it's kinda big deal. Folks higher up are all over it now so unfortunately"

"They're taking jurisdiction"

"What happened to these"

"Is there anything we can do" Anna asked

"Not really. They've cordoned off the camp and Karli's a ghost. She's laying extra low"

"That's why we should get involved. The longer we let her regroup, the harder we'll find her"

"She's got people all over the world. She's good at this. How'd these break?"

Sam only sighed

"All we can do is sit tight and chill. Sometimes, there's nothing to do until there's something to do"

"How wise" the blonde girl laughed

"Thanks, Torres" Sam said


"You okay" Anna asked as she put her hand on Sam's back

"Yeah" he nodded

"You go, I'll wait here" she smiled and went to play basketball with the two kids

A few minutes passed and Sam yelled for her when Isaiah walked them into his house

The old man gave them two photos of a woman and spoke "She does while I was in jail. They never let a single one of her letters get to me and locked them in this box"

"That's terrible" the girl said

"They told her I was dead. And after a while, she was gone and.." the man tried to say through his tears "sorry. You wanted to know what went wrong? A handful of us got shot up with different versions of that serum, but don't tell us what it is. They tell us it's tetanus" and the man continued his story


"You think it's different? Times are different? You think I wouldn't be dead in a day if you brought me out? You wanna believe jail was my fault because you got that white man's shield. They were worried my story might get out. They erased me, my history. They've been doing that for 500 years. Pledge allegiance to that. They'll never let a Black man be Captain America and if they did, no self-respecting Black man would wanna be"

Everyone got quite and the two walked out

"Sarah, I'm coming home" Sam informed his sister and him go up the phone then started walking away when the girl sat on the side of street and took her phone out

"What are you doing" Sam asked

"I'll take a taxi to the nearest hotel and tomorrow I'll go back home" she told him

"You don't have money"

"Don't worry about me, go be with your family"

"Like hell imma leave you alone"

"You really don't have to do it, I'll be fine"

"Get up, let's go"


And so the girl stood up and Sam put his hand on her shoulders then walked away

* Hello people! I'll have to post the next part a little later cause I have to go paint my new room and idk how much time that'll take so yeah. Meanwhile enjoy this part *

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