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The five waited for a little bit until Walker started breathing heavily and got nervous and stood up

He looked through the door Bucky was in front of and said "No, no. That's a bad idea"

"Chill the fuck down, Walker" An spoke

"You know women shouldn't curse" he told her

"Fuck off"

"It hasn't been ten minutes" Bucky spoke "sit tight"

"Don't patronise me" he responded and looked at the clock on the wall

"He knows what he's doing, have a little trust" the girl told him

"I'm going in" the blonde said and tapped his shield

"Just sit your ass down" the girl said and placed her hand on his chest to push him back but he walked around and went to Bucky who also stopped him and Nastya walked to his side

"This is all really easy for you two, isn't it?" Walker questioned "all that serum running through your veins. Barnes, Chekhov, your partner needs backup. Do you want his blood on your hands?"

And so they walked to Sam and Karli

"Karli Morgenthau, you're under arrest" Walker yelled

"So you were tricking me until help came?" the ginger girl asked

"We had enough time to talk" Walker spoke again

"Why don't you..." he tried to say when Karli his shield while Bucky fought Lemar

Then Karli ran away and Bucky, Anna and Sam went after her, but since they had SS serum, Bucky and Anna were faster. The two jumper over the railing of the stairs and chased her but they quickly lost her and instead found Sam

"We lost her" Buck announced

"This place is a maze" Sam said and Anna put her hands on her knees to rest, she was tired for some reason

"You ok" Buck asked and placed his hand on her back

"I'm fine" she responded and stood up

"You're pale" Sam said

"I'm fine" she repeated and walked away to search Karli

Sam and Bucky shared a look and followed her

All they found was John and Zemo laying on the ground

"What did we miss?" Sam questioned

"Buck" Anna said quietly and looked at him

"Yes?" he looked at her

"I'm not fine" the girl said and all of a sudden fainted when Bucky caught her


When Nastya woke up she was on Zemo's couch and he was laying with a towel on his eyes and a glass of whiskey in hand. She stood a little too fast which caught Bucky's eyes

"Woah, woah. Slow down" he said as he forced her to sit down "what happened"

"I forgot to take my pills"

"What pills"

"When I am on my period, I usually faint and since I can't deal with period right now, I take Norethisterone"

"Is that healthy" the blue eyed man asked worried

"Not really, no"

"Then why are you doing it"

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