Settling The Score

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Fowl Manor; Dublin, Ireland 

After the family returned to Fowl Manor, they settled back in and relaxed a bit. "I need to settle things with Trouble." Holly said to Artemis, who was sitting next to her. "By 'settling things' you don't mean start a war between the Kelps and the Fowls, right?" Artemis asked, slightly joking. Slightly. "No. What makes you think that?" Holly replied. "I don't know. You're a lot less forgiving than you think I know about you." Artemis said, then Holly chuckled. "I'll keep that in mind." Holly said, grinning mischievously. Artemis now had a bad feeling about this. 

Police Plaza, Haven City

"Ahhh look who's back. Commodore Short." Trouble chuckled. "Shut up. You know why I'm here Trouble?" Holly asked, Neutrino 2000 in her hand. "No," Trouble said, obviously being sarcastic. "You're here to settle some score with me, Short?" Ahhh now the truth. "Correct. And guess who I brought with me," Holly grinned and 18 or so SHIELD agents, Eliza included, came out from the shadows. "So you brought some stuck-up SHIELD agents, oh, and my favorite of them all, Agent Elizabeth Campbell." Eliza scowled, something she had braved to do considering her childhood role-model was standing right in front of her. 

Eliza's scowl soon ran out and what formed on her face was a frown, then her SO Daisy Johnson put a hand on her shoulder to comfort her. "Wanna do the honors, Liz?" Daisy asked, obviously Eliza didn't want to do it. "I guess so. But Trouble is my friend, so I won't be happy, but, I guess I'll do it." Trouble grinned mischievously. "Then join me, Liz, nothing can stop you." Holly felt her stomach tie in a knot, but then she looked back at Eliza, who shook her head. Then Holly smiled.

 "No. Trouble Kelp, you are being taken into custody by SHIELD and will isolated in a chamber until we say so. You have the right to remain silent." Everyone around her was proud of the 18-year-old. She had just arrested her childhood best friend. Then she walked away half smile and half frown on her face.  "That wasn't easy, but I did it." Coulson put an arm around Eliza to comfort her. "I know it wasn't, but if you like you can be the one to interrogate him when we get back to the Bus." Coulson replied. "Ok thanks, Sir." 

End of the chapter guys! I know, more Agents of SHEILD, but maybe some of you like it! If you do I'll keep doing it but if you don't, I'll have Eliza and SHEILD removed from the story. Ok, maybe not Eliza, but definitely SHEILD, all you have to do is say so. 

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