Here Comes Trouble

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Hello, another chapter! Let's go!

The family hung out for a while, but as always, trouble follows the Fowls. Literally. Former-commander of the LEP Trouble Kelp showed up at Eliza's house doorstep. "Trouble?" The Short sisters chorused. "You are supposed to be in jail, Kelp. What are you doing here?" Holly said to Trouble, hiding her twin daughters, Liz still holding Austin.

 "Hello, sweethearts." Trouble said to Fowl twins. "Don't. You're not their father. Artemis is. And you are not taking them to Haven, which, need I remind you, blew up." Kelp was irritated by Holly for the 1st time since they met "But I am their father. And nothing can change that". Trouble added, mad.   "Then who filled out their birth certificates? Oh wait, we did." Holly said sarcastically. "Ha. Good one. But you're annoying sometimes, Short." Trouble said, then Artemis interrupted. 

"Leave us alone! We are here to visit Eliza and Holly's family. Now leave us alone, now." Then out of nowhere Kelp disappeared. "Well, that was annoying." Eliza said. All of the family nodded in agreement.

Ok end of this chapter because I need to go to bed. Goodnight/good morning, or whenever you're reading this!

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