The Family Returns

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(A/N: Hey guys! Another chapter in my Afterlife book! Hope you enjoy ❤️)

The next morning

Jessi and June woke up super early the next morning and insisted on waking up Holly and Artemis in their room. "Girls, please go back to bed" Holly pleaded. "But we're awake, and when we're awake there's no getting us back to sleep, Mommy" Juniper pointed out innocently. "Ughhhh, fine. Just go get dressed for school" Artemis said sleepily. Then both the twins and Artemis and Holly got dressed and met each other downstairs for breakfast. Holly made them all waffles and sausage for breakfast. Soon (but not too soon) Jessi and June got ready for School and Holly was in her LEPrecon uniform ready to go down to Haven. "Ready to go girls?" Artemis asked to his twin daughters. "Yes, Daddy" the girls chorused. Then the girls were off to school, Holly was down in Haven and asked the new Commander for more surface time, luckily, he said yes. And lastly Artemis was with Butler on a short day expedition.

A couple hours later

After a couple hours, Artemis and Holly both picked up the girls from their school and had some family time together at the park. The girls played, but you didn't expect danger not to happen, did you? After 5 minutes at the park Lord Teddy Bleedham-Drye showed up asking where the twins were and asked Artemis if he was their older brother. Of course, not knowing who Lord Teddy was said 'yes' and immediately told the girls to come to them and they were going to head to the house. And, Lord Teddy being the man he was chased Artemis, Holly and the Short- Fowl twins. The chase lasted many moments, but soon Holly looked back. "I think we lost him," said Holly "But I might be wrong. Should I take a closer look?" Holly asked. "Sorry, but no. We need to keep the twins safe and sound." Replied Artemis. "Alright. Understood." Holly said almost military-like. Artemis couldn't help but slightly chuckle, and neither could the girls.

Hey guys! What do you think of this chapter? If you didn't like it, comment below! Have a good night/morning/whenever you're reading this! 

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