Off we go

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I woke up to lily hugging me while in deep sleep I slowly began to wake her up as we had to get packed up for the trip we were about to take she woke up stretching her arms and legs out yawning "good morning sleepy head"
She smiled back let's go get backed k lily nodded and we got up grappling our large bags I took and the stuff I didn't need  and out in stuff I did we took some food but it wasn't a lot the plants were dying so although garden was big few edible food were found we took four water bottles that were left in the fridge two for me and two for her I folded up a blanket and we each took a mini pillow so we at least didn't have to sleep of the hard ground I already knew how that felt we took some knives from the kitchen and took the the fake gun just in case then we headed off I grabbed Lily's hand  making sure no cranks were out and we started going to the direction of the mountains  we walked for a while the mountains seemed to be getting further away but I knew it was just me getting into my head the heat was getting to the both of us I pulled out the sheets I got from the wckd building giving one to lily as we covered out bodies from the sun it felt nice having some one here someone to talk to me and lily talked about a lot she did me about how she grew up and her parents they seemed like nice people wish I could have meet them and her grandpa funny guy I think he was by the way lily described him and the jokes he made were really funny she also told me how she scared people of with. Her fake gun and how she wondered off in the scorch sometimes when she got bored and how she talked to sparks or dash when she felt lonely I understood that this place had me taking to the damn dessert when I first came I told her she bursted out laughing I laughed with her it was pretty dumb I liked her company "hey what were your friends like or who are they" lily asked me I paused to think " well there's one his names Minho real sassy one not more sassy than me of course but sassy none the less" we giggled "then there's newt British one people say we are long lost siblings not because of looks but because we act and kinda talk the same although he is was more clam and collected then I am his like I little meditations room I laughed then fry he may look intimidating but his the biggest teddy bear gotta love the guy also there the idiot Thomas he may be a dumbass but he always comes threw and he's also very caring we also got Winston he looks like a grown man but he has the personality of a 5 year old but in a good way loves fangirling over things finally there's Aris unlike the others which you mind hard to believe I just really meet them but they already felt like family but Aris he was in the maze with me and other girls sadly those girls I don't know where they are or if they are still alive some didn't even make it out the maze they died I frowned his the only one I have left from the maze he's very kind and loving but also shy but don't get in twisted he will beat someone's ass if he has to" I laughed "soo any of those a boyfriend?" LILY! I yelled playfully "what?" Lily giggled "so I'm right there is a boyfriend who?" She asked excited to hear who it is. " I'm not telling " I looked away from her "it's Aris isn't it?" Lily stated with a smirk "how did y-" "it's pretty obvious really your eyes sparkle when you say his name" she smirked at me I blushed thinking or Aris "see your doing it again" lily giggled  "stick it lily" I kinda laughed I really did love Aris he and now lily were my reason to keep going to not lose hope "do you think I'll meet them one day"lily asked me "I'm sure you will I'm not letting anything touch you got it but promises me this if something does happen to me I need you to keep going to the mountains find them or the right arm stay safe and don't trust anyone else okay the names of the friends I told you about are the only ones you shall trust got it only if they trust them or you believe with all your heart they are good shall you trust anyone else" lily nodded I couldn't have anything happen to this girl she truly felt like my sister despite the fact that I have only just met her after a while of walking thankfully no sign of cranks so far we found a Little Rock not much but it was enough to cover us "I'm going to name this rock ...Rick yep Rick the rock" lily started proudly "hmmm I like it Rick it is" I spoke to lily we laid down and looked up to the sky it was already dark out that when I noticed there was so many starts here I've never seen so many it was mesmerizing "her look it looks like dash"I told lily pointing at the stars shapes "omg yeah it does" lily agreed "and that one looks like a sandwich" me and lily giggled it really did look like a sandwich "a sky sandwich" I told lily "and there's a strawberry ooo and over there's a ladybug" me and lily kept pointing out shapes all night until we couldn't do so no more we pulled the blanket over us and pillows on the floor drifting of to sleep wondering what was next in our deathly adventure to finding safety

Alone girl in the scorch or is she ? (Aris x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now