Sticks whatnow ?

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We started walking to the area of the mountains still quite the ways away I wasn't sure when we would get there or what the hell we would find when we did we walked for a while like we usually did still no signs of cranks which was weird but I wasn't complaining we passed a few houses that were far away sometimes but no sign of life anywhere it was about midday the sun was sitting the sky began to become a dark gray but I saw light in front of us but it wasn't coming from I front of us but behind us as if someone was shining a giant flash light at us I quickly turn around and see cars with men inside holding bats and knives as well as bricks my eye widen as I grab Lily's hand and run not wanting to get caught it was clear they say us as we ran I pulled my bag giving lily the one sharp knife we had just in case she had to get out without me I grab the fake gun hoping they would believe it's real if they came too close then as soon as I said that the cars circled us I grab lily putting her behind me as I look around at the men they were big bulky there were at least 9 men I pulled out my gun at them when they stepped out the car they raised there hands up not expecting me having a gun I told lily as I knew she could fight well "hey can you take on three and I'll take the rest ?" I whispered to her in question "I sure can"she asked as we both smirked we both run to the men and start punching and hitting knocking one down I look over see that lily stabbed one of them which is now on the ground but I soon regretted looking back I felt a bat hit the side of my ribs I yelped and turned to the guy hitting him where the sun don't shine then knocking him in the head with the end of the gun making him knockout we went on like this for a while I got hit with a brick almost in the head but missed and hit my shoulder I yelped in pain I knew it dislocated but I kept going punching the man and knocking him out I took down 5 men I had one left lily stabbed the last one but I was to busy to notice the man tackled me to the ground me hitting my bad shoulder I screamed in pain he smirked I pulled my gun at him but he quickly noticed "oh sweetie really fouled me for a minute "he laughed I panicked my arms where pined down when I saw a life go through him making he flop to the side of me lily standing there knife bloody "thanks lily" I said gasping for air "no problem"she spoke out of breath as we were about to take the car a man stood up and ran to it leaving ugghhh we went to the other car no gas "great guess were stuck walking for now let's go find somewhere to rest" lily nodded my shoulder was still dislocated we made it to a rock as I flipped down my body aching and so did Lily's I told her lay down which she did "you might hear me scream" I told lily as I took my shoulder and with all my strength pushed it into place "AHHHH UGHHHH" I screamed in pain but it soon went away I signed in relief "you good" lily asked "yeah not let's get some sleep k" we nodded to each other pulling the sheet up to cover us it was pretty cold this night although it was nice considering how hot it was during the day we fell asleep in a bit of pain tomorrow we hope to find something anything that could help but I'm not sure if that would be the case I was scared that more of those guys would come since one of them got away what if there's more the thought sent chills down my spine I decided to ignore it and go to sleep I would deal with it tomorrow or as it came I guess

Alone girl in the scorch or is she ? (Aris x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now