Story time

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So it all started when they took me from the table they ended up taking me up to the roof into a berg it was then I knew no one was gonna find me non of you knew that that was there so I just listened to them I really had no choice it was that or get shot by a bunch and of armed guards around be in a circle this doctor although i don't know if I would really call it a doctor but anyways *i winched in pain as the lady was taking care of the cut in my arm* like I was saying they injected me with this serum that made me fall asleep when I woke up you shanks were long gone as janson told me then he kept blabbing about other stuff then telling me I had to go in the scorch alone which that took me by surprise he let me take some stuff but I had little time to pack it all it was basically anything I could find I broke a couple beds in the process then they sent me out it was already kinda dark I walked over to this building at one point looked like a destroyed mall but I heard weird noises and I was not gonna take my chances after I say those things when we first got to the building so I kept going sooner or later I was too tired so I found a rock well that didn't turn out well a crank was waiting for me there I tried to step back but I stepped on a stupid branch of all things I then had to fight the bloody thing ended up grabbing a knife in my bag but wasn't paying attention I hit the crank knocking it out but I wasn't joking the right side so ended up cutting into my hand "wow real smart y/n" Minho spoke "wow I know right I'm such an intellectual" I rolled my eye then I walked for a few days ended up finding lily although when we first met she had a gun to my head I looked over to lily "hey! Don't make me look bad you could have been a crank" I giggled rolling my eyes well after that we decided to go together since we both had no one left we walked and walked then ran into a gang "a gang?" Aris ,newt and Thomas spoke "yes a gang" I answered 9 men coming at us with cars they had bats and bricks as well as knives we fought them off eventually "yeah until you dislocated your shoulder"lily added "well yeah that too but it was no big deal" I added "no big deal sis you pop your shoulder back into place screaming although I would scream too" "wait wait you mean you dislocated your shoulder and just pushed it back into place" Thomas asked "yes Thomas" I answered in an annoyed tone after that we found this building but deathly lighting coming at is we manage to get in we heard bergs and music when it exploded and we ran out to then again walk upon walk when we were so close the bloody gang came back attacked us shins this time 14 men bulky men it I must add we fought them back but I got hit with a bat a couple time then hit in on weak leg with a brick which may I add hurt like hell but I manage to knock the guy out then the last guy stabbed lily I limped over to her hitting the man knocking him out as well and grabbing lily we weren't far from the mountain but my leg felt like it was about to snap but I had to keep running really I couldn't let lily die and that's when we ran into you guy
UGHH! Damn it that hurt
*the doctor was checking my leg*
I shit my eyes in pain everyone from the group except me and lily stood their in shock
"Holly stick I almost forgot to tell you aris remember how I had those dreams / memories well I had one and I found out newts my step brother which is why we act so much alike we would spend mostly everyday together I also remember this girl named Brenda from my memory she was my best friend I really wonder where she is I mean I don't remember much but I know I miss her "wait Brenda was the name?" Thomas asked "do you think"fry added "BRENDA COME OVER HERE" Thomas yelled a girl with short hair came in my eyes went wide "Brenda?" I asked "y/n!" She came running to me hugging me being careful as she could see I was hurt "omg I never thought I would see you again how do you even remember" she asked " well I don't remember much but I know as much as I know I missed you" I smiled as she did back
"You know y/n I think I know who is who now" lily told me "oh really well give it a go" I smirked at her the others confused "okay well first that had to be Minho she said pointing at Minho real sassy just like you said yep I answered then that one Thomas she pointed at Thomas he talks a lotttt I giggled that right what else I told her then that's fry he looks intimidating but from the way he talks seems really sweet like you said a big teddy bear I bursted out laughing yeah and and that must be newt "what did the British give it away I smirked "yep!" Then aris she pointed at aris "how do you know it's me tho" aris asked "well that easy aris say y/n now everyone play close attention" "y/n?" Aris said confused "ha see he has the same sparkle in his eyes that y/n does when that say each other's names" I rolled my eyes at Lily's comment "omg your so right that's so cute" Brenda squealed gossiping with lily about me and aris I rolled my eyes at them then turned my head to the boys they looked confused although aris was blushing cute I thought again thinking to much of aris and aris thinking to much of me because

"I heard that" aris spoke
"Oops" I giggled
*end of telepathy

"So your really my sister well step sister" newt asked
"Yep surprising huh but hey at least I get a big brother that sounds fun"
"And I get a badass little sister I can work with that"we bursted out laughing

Alone girl in the scorch or is she ? (Aris x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now